硅三角 (之二)

作者: 柠檬一小颗 | 来源:发表于2017-04-24 11:19 被阅读67次


The official story attributes Shenzhen’ssuccess tobrave party leaders and far-sighted policies. Deng Xiaoping is lauded for liberalising the region’s economy. Later political leaders receive praise for investments in infrastructure that enabled rapid growth. That is an incomplete versionof history.

laud [ lɔ:d ]

v. praise, glorify, or honor赞美、称赞。


An incisive new book, “Learning from Shenzhen”, edited by Mary Ann O’Donnell, Winnie Wong and Jonathan Bach, reveals that many of the advances seen since the city was opened up in 1980 camedisruptively from below.For example, early reformerspushed ahead with unauthorised investment deals with non-mainland companies and  retroactively developed the legal framework needed to protect foreign firms. Time and again, grassroots innovators hit on better ways of doing things, even though strictly speaking they were not permitted. When their risk-taking proved successful, communist leaders typically took the credit. So the best way to study innovation in Shenzhen is to examine it through the eyes of its entrepreneurial firms.


acute discriminating keen knifelike penetrating penetrative piercing sharp(敏锐的、尖锐的,adj.)


adv. retroactive的变形

retroactive [,retrəu'æktiv]


由玛丽·安·奥多奈尔,黄韵然和乔纳森·巴赫编著的新书《向深圳学习》,观点深刻而尖锐。这本书一针见血地指出自这个城市1980年开放以来的诸多进步来自于底层的颠覆性发展。例如,非内地企业的投资协议尚未批准,早期的改革者就先推进项目,之后才发展出法律框架,保护外国公司。草根创新者一次又一次地改进做事的方法,尽管严格来说,很多事情是不被允许的。 当他们这些冒险的行为取得成功后,党的领导人通常会归功于自己。因此,研究深圳创新的最好办法就是以创业企业的视角去观察它。

The common perception that China is incapable of innovation needs re-examining. According to a widely quoted study published earlier this decade, the value added on the mainland to Apple’s iPods (nearly all of which are assembled there) represents less than 5% of the total, reinforcing the stereotype of Chinese factories as low-end sweatshops. However, a more recent study by Britain’s University of Sussex and others for the European Commission concludes that the iPod example “is far from representative”. These researchers calculate that the average value China adds to its exports is 76% (the EU’s is 87%). The World Bank reaches similar conclusions.


The PRD’s companies, whichaccount fora huge chunk of China’s innovation, have been moving up the value chain. Local firms that used to rely entirely on imported know-how and parts have started to work on their own inventions and methods. Foreign firms that used to come to the delta to harness its brawn are now tapping into its brains as well. Today, Shenzhen is attracting many entrepreneurs keen to develop new ways of making things. The innovators are transforming the entire delta into an advanced manufacturing cluster. Many multinationals have a listening post in the city to stay close to the latest trends.

listening post听音哨;情报站




    本文标题:硅三角 (之二)
