Why is this

作者: 鲜宇夫 | 来源:发表于2019-05-11 12:42 被阅读26次

I feel a little confused, why is this

Is this the lifestyle I want

Sometimes I am too tired to think about this problem

Maybe every day is a brand new day

I used to make choices a little haphazard

There will be no free lunch under the sun

I just didn't want to understand why everything would be like this

I feel that I need to slow down and seriously think about this problem

In the past, I always felt that the days were cloudless

For some problems, don't have to face

Now that all the problems are in front of me, I found that it was so tangled

Don't want to push myself too hard, maybe time will give the right choice

You will face many choices in your life

Different directions will lead to different lives

Some things are hard to tell right from wrong in a short time

I just want to be a diligent bee, don't miss every fragrance

Why is this


  • 2019-11-22

    why why why why why

  • why?why?

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  • 月了天空

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    本文标题:Why is this
