
It occurred to somebody that 谁……从没有想过
mutinous 反抗的,抗议的

seared 烧焦
teetering on the edge(brink) of 处在……边缘

wan 苍白的
scampered: flee; take to one's heels; cut and run 跑开
fleeting 飞快的
walk in on 突然进来
rolls= bread rolls 小面包,小圆面包

pass up a chance 错过一个机会

wholeheartedly 全心全意的,真心诚意的
not worth the trouble 不用麻烦
sleek 有光泽的

fervently 强烈地
inkling 不周全模糊的想法
a slight suggestion or vague understanding
It is plain that 明显的……
smooth out 弄平

plumbing 水管装置
course through 穿过,通过
staff room 教研室
paneled 镶有嵌板的

musty moldy/mildewed 发霉的
downright 完全的
week-kneed 软弱的
blanched 变白的
chip in=butt in=cut in 插嘴
have a crack at 对……发出攻击(冲击、击打)

bungled 搞糟了
give a free rein 给……充分的自由,放了一马
toothy grin 咧嘴大笑
weedy 性格软弱的

a mite=a little =much
stripped 搜得精光
lilac 丁香紫
midnight blue 深蓝色
jumbled 乱七八糟的
life-size 同等比例大小的尺寸
job description 工作说明,职位描述
front cover 封面
dress sense 选择穿衣服的感觉
take credit for 获得表扬、认可、赞成allow people to believe that you have done something, whether it is true or false.
publicity photos 宣传照片
a long hard slog 一段漫长艰难的路(努力苦干)
(slog: work doggedly or persistently)

cistern 储水箱
with relish 津津有味地

branch off 岔开,偏离
level out 平整起来

give way 拔腿跑
mangled body 残缺的身体
rockfall 岩崩,落石
cave hn 坍塌,塌方

pregnant pause: a long pause in speech
tingling 刺痛感
entwined 缠绕着