

作者: 师千璎 | 来源:发表于2022-03-04 17:25 被阅读0次

    1、_____ more time, he’ll make a first-class tennis player.

    A. Having given

    B. To give

    C. Giving

    D. Given


    2、The teacher as well as the students _____ the book already. They know it well.

    A. has read

    B. have read

    C. are reading

    D. is reading


    They know it well.翻译:他们对这本书很了解,很熟悉。well 是副词,修饰动词know

    3、You should________ smoking. It's really bad for your health.

    A. put up 提出;提供;举起,抬起

    B. give up 放弃

    C. get up 起床,起立

    D. set up 创建,建立;竖起,立起

    答案是B,give up smoking 戒烟

    Please put up your hand if you have any questions.

    4、The road in the park looked beautiful, _______ with _______ leaves.

    A. covered; falling

    B. covered; fallen

    C. covering; falling

    D. covering, fallen

    答案是B。公园里的路很漂亮,被落叶覆盖着。leaf 树叶,leaves复数。落叶就是落了的叶子。

    5、 ____ of the land in this district _______ covered with trees and grass.

    A. Two fifths; are

    B. Two fifth; are

    C. Two fifth; is

    D. Two fifths; is

    答案是D,land是这句话的主语,单数。Two fifths五分之二,district区域 地区

    6、----Did you go to the show last night?

    —Yeah. Every boy and girl in the area _____ invited.

    A. were

    B. have been

    C. has been

    D. was

    答案是D,every 引导的主语都是单三。看演出是昨天晚上的事儿,说明被邀请是过去的事儿,和现在没关系。

    7、 ______, his eyes fill with tears again.

    A. When asked

    B. On asking

    C. On being asked

    D. When he was asked

    答案是D。ABC都是非谓语,前面都有逻辑主语,逻辑主语必须和真正主语一致。主语是他的眼睛,眼睛和问之间没关系。fill with 充满

    8、The classroom wants __________.

    A. clean

    B. cleaned

    C.to clean

    D. cleaning

    答案是D,want doing 表被动

    9、The walls of the rooms are said ___white in no time.

    A. to be painted

    B. painted

    C. to paint

    D. having been painted

    答案是A,be said 后面接动词不定式。墙被粉刷。in no time 马上,即将

    10、Did you see that boy _______ by the police over there?

    A. questioned

    B. to be questioned

    C. being questioned

    D. questioning

    答案是C,being questioned 现在分词的被动格式,表被动,表进行


    11、 Each of the students _____ a Chinese-English dictionary.

    A. have

    B. has

    C. there is

    D. there are

    答案是B。each of,主语是each,单三

    12、 They each ____ a beautiful handkerchief.

    A. have

    B. has

    C. there is

    D. there are

    答案是A,they each 这种结构中,they 是主语,复数,each是同位语,意思是他们每个人。

    13、I'm sorry I forgot ______him about it, so he didn't come.

    A. to tell

    B. telling

    C. to be told

    D. having told


    forget/remember to do 忘记/记得做某事,没做

    forget/remember doing 忘记/记得做过某事,做过


    14、----“Where have you been?”

    —“I got caught in traffic; otherwise ____ sooner.”

    A. I would be here

    B. I have been here

    C. I had been here

    D. I would have been here




    15*--Let me tell you something about the journalists.

    -----Don’t you remember ______me the story yesterday?

    A. told

    B. telling

    C .to tell

    D. to be told

    答案是B,remember doing sth 记得做过某事


    16*All but one _____ here just now.

    A. are

    B. was

    C. has been

    D. were

    答案是D,but 介词,除……之外


    just now 刚刚,刚才

    17*If _____, the experiment will be successful.

    A. carefully doing

    B. it done carefully

    C. carefully done

    D. doing carefully

    experiment 名词,实验

    答案是C,逻辑主语是实验,实验和做的关系是被动。B, it 代表实验,加在if后面应该构成句子,句子就得有谓语。B改成If it is done carefully 就对了。逻辑主语和真正主语一致,逻辑主语就要省略不写

    1. 找逻辑主语

    2. 分析主被动

    18* The police _______ determined to bring back the missing boy when his family _____ almost given up all hope.

    A. is; has

    B. are; have

    C. are; has

    D. is; have

    答案是B,police 警察们,复数,family 家人,复数。

    family 家庭,单数

    family 家人,复数

    19*My work _______, I went home.

    A. had been done

    B. done

    C. having done

    D. to be done





    20* I rushed there in a taxi only _______the library_______.

    A. finding; closed

    B. finding; shut

    C. to find; close

    D. to find; closed

    答案是D,only 后面接不定式。图书馆被关了,过去分词表被动。

    21*_____ Sunday, the students are at home.

    A. Being

    B. To be

    C. It is

    D. It being

    答案是D。AB是非谓语,前面有逻辑主语,真正主语是学生,学生不可能是星期天,逻辑主语和真正主语没办法保持一致,AB排除。C选项,is是谓语,构成句子,两句话不能直接用逗号分开,C排除。it 是独立主格。

    22*He requested that the students ____them get in crops

    A. help

    B. to help

    C. helped

    D. helping

    答案是A。request 要求,后面接虚拟,should 可以省略。

    23*It is high time that we ____ a meeting to discuss this problem

    A. hold

    B. held

    C. have held

    D. had held

    答案是B。it's time 后面接虚拟,过去式或should do,should 不能省略


    语法 知识讲解 It is high/about time that

    ⑴ It's time for + n.“该是(干)……的时候了。”

    例:Boys and girl, It's time for class.


    ⑵ It's time + (for sb.) to do sth. .表示“该是(某人)干……的时候了。”

    例:It's time for you to clean the classroom.


    It's time to go to school.


    ⑶ It's time + that ,that可省略,time可由high,about修饰,从句中的谓语动词有两种形式,或者用动词的过去式(be用were);或者用shoud + 动词原形(should不能省略)。此句型为虚拟语气句型,表示“现在某人该做某事了”。含有该事早该去做而未做,现在去做似乎都为时已晚的意思。例:

    It's time (that)we went to bed.


    It's high time that the article were published.


    It's time you should do cleaning.


    ⑷ It's + the/序数词+ time +to do sth. 表示某人第几次做某事。例:

    It is my first time to write letter in English.


    ⑸ It's + the+序数词+ time+ that .也 表示某人第几次做某事。例:

    It is my first time that I've even written letters.


    句型⑷ 句型 ⑸ 可以互换。

    It is high/about time that 正是干……的时候了high/about 只是对time 强调


    It is time that the children went to bed.

    It is high time that the children should go to bed.

    24* _____more attention, the trees could have grown better.

    A. Given

    B. To give

    C. Giving

    D. Having given


    25*Maths is more popular than_________.

    A. any other subject

    B. all the subjects

    C. any subject

    D. other subject


    any other 后面接名词单数,other 后面接名词复数

    26* Tom’s teacher and friend ___ Mr Smith.

    A. has

    B. are being

    C. is

    D. are

    答案是C。只有一个Tom's ,表示既是汤姆的朋友,又是汤姆的老师,一个人。

    27*____ twice, he didn't want to try again.

    A. Failed

    B. Failing

    C. Having failed

    D. To fail


    A 过去分词表被动,他和失败是主动,排除




    28* She is upstairs _______ letters.

    A. writes

    B. is writing

    C. write

    D. writing


    29*I suggestedhe____ TV.3

    A. wouldn't watch

    B. not watch

    C. didn't watch

    D. not watching

    答案是B,he是主格,要做主语,所以suggest 后面接的是句子,虚拟,省略should。

    30* I suggestedhim____ TV.3

    A. wouldn't watch

    B. not watch

    C. didn't watch

    D. not watching


    him 是宾格,suggest 后面接的就不是句子

    suggest sb doing sth

    31*Some person ___ calling for you at the gate.

    A. will be

    B. is being

    C. is

    D. are


    some person 某个人,单数

    some persons 一些人,复数



