

作者: 师千璎 | 来源:发表于2022-03-09 23:20 被阅读0次

    4. They won’t buy new clothes because they ______money to buy a color TV set.

    A. save B. are saving C. has saved D. were saving

    14. Nobody but Betty and Mary ____ late for class yesterday.

    A. was B. were C. are D. have been

    18. Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves _______ half an hour.

    A. by B. in C. for D. after

    21. Remember to send me a photo of us next time you _____ to me.

    A. are writing B. will write

    C. has written D. write

    3. Not only he but also we _____ right, that is to say, he as well as we _____ right.

    A. are; are

    B. is; is

    C. is; are

    D. are; is

    7. Either your teacher or you ___ mistaken.

    A. are B. is C. has D. be

    11. Not only you and I but Peter, the top student in our grade __ not able to solve the problem.

    A. are B. were C. is D. am

    13. I’ll go to the library as soon as I finish what I ______.

    A. was doing

    B. am doing

    C. do

    D. had been doing

    16. Dr.Smith,together with his wife and daughters, ______ visit Beijing this summer.

    A.is going to

    B.are going to

    C.was going to

    D. were going to

    18. Not only I but also Tom and Mary __ fond of watching television.

    A. am

    B. is

    C. are

    D. Be

    19. –I thought you _____________ for vacation tomorrow.

    -I had planned, but I have a very important meeting to attend tomorrow.

    A. will leave

    B. are leaving

    C. have left

    D. were leaving


    won't =will not ,一般将来时,站现在说将来,所以后面是现在进行时

    14、答案是a,but就远原则,but =except 除……之外

    nobody ,someone ,somebody ,something ,anything ……,


    18、答案是b,in 在多少时间以后,后面接一段时间

    after 在几点钟以后,后面接几点钟



    3、答案是D,not only … but…就近原则,as well as 就远原则

    Either … or就近原则, mistaken形容词,错误的

    7、答案是A,Either … or就近原则, mistaken形容词,错误的

    11、答案是C。not only ……but ……后面划线,一定是就近原则,不会完整翻译也没关系,找准主语就可以。be able to 能……;solve 动词,解决

    13、答案是B。我一做完正在做的事儿就去图书馆。这道题的主将从现已经给出来了,will go 将,finish 现。选的是finish 后面句子的时态,根据意思判断用什么时态

    16、答案是A,together with就远原则,

    18、答案是C,主语是Tom and Mary,复数,not only … but…就近原则

    Be fond of 喜欢 be fond of doing 喜欢做某事




    关键词是thought ,think 的过去式,站在过去说我以为你明天去度假,过去将来时

    leave for ……去某地,不是离开

    leave for vacation 去度假



