

作者: 中纵决策_王义礼 | 来源:发表于2020-12-06 07:13 被阅读0次





1、    地道英语

I’m trying pretty hard to lose my love handles so when summer comes I can wear that bikini.

Love handles 爱的扶手,是什么?就是一圈圈的啤酒肚!


The opposition parties fought tooth and nail to block passage of the bill.

Tooth and nail 牙齿到指甲,竭尽全力


Be sure to spend time with your parents while you can , because one day when you look up from your busy life ,they won’t be there anymore.




Let's start with the alignment. So the first thing we wanna do is aim the club at the target. So the bottom of the golf club here,we have something called the leading edge. Now,your job is to get a 90-degree line coming out of that leading edge to the flag.

The next thing is the stance. So by that we mean the width of our feet and how far apart they are. You can see the center of my stance is there. The golf ball is target side of that,so a little bit further forward than center in my stance.

There's several reasons why it's the most important part for us.The first thing is,it's the only part of your body which is holding the golf club. It also controls the angles that you swing the club around your body. But the most important part is,it controls the club face-so it controls the hitting area on your shot. So it's really really important.


高尔夫,首先你要找到你的目标,就是那面旗子。调整你的球杆(Club),从球杆的底部拉一条90度的线,直接指向你的目标(First step, aim to the flag and adjust you club to get a 90 degree line coming out of the club edge to the flag)


最后,就是握杆、击球。控制击球的角度(Control the angle swinging your club around your body)




Without other's help or approval,life itself will process everything,the good and the bad.


Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.


Marriage will get you from a girl to a woman. Love will bring you back.

愿你出走半生,归来仍是少年 。

May you still be that young boy after leaving home for half of your life.

I may wrinkle my forehead , but never my heart.


4.1 原文:

Everyone can imagine a stand-up comedian telling jokes on stage.There are a ton of misunderstandings and lack of knowledge around what the profession actually entails. As an example , a little-known upside to stand-up comedy is that the earnings you make are entirely tax-free. This is because there aren't any.

So if you want to do stand-up comedy , the first you have to do is write your material,which is the bits you'll be doing and the jokes you have in each bit. Now your material really is your bread and butter and this is why 80% of your time as a comic is spent alone at home in front of a blank word document trying to figure out what to say so people will like you.

Next you have to work on your delivery or how you're gonna say the jokes. This is one of the most important parts of comedy and I like to think of it like dominoes. At its core having good delivery is all about doing your set with complete confidence that everyone's gonna laugh even if all your friends and family have told you they won't


即兴脱口秀演员(stand-up comedian),很多人认为这个职业,轻松、钱多、快乐。


长期要承受孤独,写稿子、改稿子,这是他的生计(bread and butter);  




I say to people that six months after diagnosis, I suddenly had what i call my resurrection , I suddenly realized that i was fallible ,(and)that i was going to die. I didn’t know when.

The doctor had told me that it was going to be in the next six years,but i made a positive decision that i was going to work hard and try and put it off. But I realized at that time whatever will be,will be,and when my time comes,it comes.

Ten years later,I’m still doing this,talking to you today through the eyes of this lens. That said,dying is a reality to me,and i’m totally reconciled to the fact.

I’ve done a will,for instance. I think that’s absolutely essential. I think that’s the least i can do, because i go around talking about dementia,what it's all about. And i want to know that when my life comes to an end,then at least the bits that are left are used in a profitable and useful manner.


如何面对死亡,这是人生的必修课(It’s a must lesson for you how to face the death)

坦然面对,当它来了,就来吧!(When my time comes ,it comes)

此前,竭尽全力去做事,做自己认为有意义的事,用自己认为有价值和有用的方式(do something meaningful from foot and nail in a profitable and useful manner)


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