阅读 | 上海“死亡咖啡馆”走红 咖啡只送不卖用故事来换

阅读 | 上海“死亡咖啡馆”走红 咖啡只送不卖用故事来换

作者: 英语小口袋 | 来源:发表于2024-04-11 20:28 被阅读0次

Making arrangements at a funeral parlor for a loved one lost can be an upsetting experience.



One undertaker staffed by young people is trying to alleviate the agony by creating an environment where the bereaved can pour out their hearts about perceptions of life and death.


Called Baiduren, or "Ferrymen" — a reference perhaps to Charon in Greek mythology, the ferryman who took souls across the river that separated the living and the dead.


The Baiduren salon is decorated in a modern style, with soft lighting that contrasts with traditional funeral homes that are dim, full of funeral regalia and heavily scented by joss sticks.


Inside Baiduren, which looks by outward appearances like a café, relatives of the dead can tell staff stories that they may not be able to share with friends and family for number of reasons. A team of staff 40 years and younger lends their ears.


"Our job initially was funeral planning and handling related affairs like portrait design for customers, after a few years in business, we felt that we wanted to make a breakthrough in the industry because there are still so many stereotypes about and biases against funeral homes," said Xiaolin, leader of what Badiruen calls the "life experiencing project."


On one wall of the salon, messages from customers are pinned.


Reading through them, one senses that no matter how sad or desolate people may feel when they walk in the door, voicing emotions eases the pain by the time they leave.


The salon, from the standpoint of both staff and customers, points to a change in how people — especially the young — view death and funerals.


Its customers shun a common belief that the rituals of death are taboo to be shrouded in darkness.


And those searching for jobs no longer regard undertakers as a profession to be avoided at all costs.


Indeed, many on the team at Baiduren come from different career tracks, often never thinking they would end up in the funeral business when in college.



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      本文标题:阅读 | 上海“死亡咖啡馆”走红 咖啡只送不卖用故事来换
