1. Elliptical---ellipse
having the shape of an ellipse
Kepler published his discovery of theelliptical orbitsof planets in 1609.
elliptical speechor writing is difficult to understand because more is meant than is actually said
The language is often elliptical and ambiguous.含蓄晦涩的
2.Spiralin to the sun or escape from the sun
to move in a continuous curve that gets nearer to or further from its central point as it goes round
spiral to/around etc
The damaged plane spiralled to the ground.
ifa situation spirals, it gets worse, more violent etc in a way that cannot be controlled(events spiral out of control事态失控)Crime hasspiraled out of control.
if debt or the cost of something spirals, it increases quickly in a way that cannot be controlled
in/into a spiral
Unemployment rose and the city went into a spiral of decline.
downward/upward spiral
The company is in a downward spiral.
3. refute
to prove that a statement or idea is not correct
refute a hypothesis/a claim/an idea etc
an attempt to refute Darwin's theories
to say that a statement is wrong or unfair
refute an allegation/a suggestion etc
She refuted any allegations of malpractice.
4.Crest 冠
the top or highest point of something such as a hill or a wave
crest of
It took us over an hour to reach the crest of the hill.
a special picture that is used as a sign of a family, town, school, or organization
school/family crest
be on/riding the crest of a wave to be very successful
a young film director who is on the crest of a wave at the moment
crest v to reach the top of a hill or mountain
They crested a wooded hill shortly before sunset.
5. postulate
同义词:assume, hypothesize, propose, suppose,theorize.
It has been postulated that the condition is inherited.
being part of the nature or character of someone or something
theintrinsic interestof the subject
intrinsic nature/quality/value/property of sth固有价值...
There is nothing in the intrinsic nature of the work that makes it more suitable for women.
intrinsic to内在的
Flexibility is intrinsic to creative management.创新管理的本质是灵活
Science is seen as intrinsically good.
6.A pulse of light 脉冲
7.Relative velocity 相对速度
Assign different times and positions to the same event 得出不同结论
1)分配He assigned the most responsible jobs to experienced people.
SYNONYM 同义词:allocate, allot, apportion, consign, dispense,distribute, give, hand over, share out.
He assigned me to the sweeping up.大扫除。
SYNONYM 同义词:appoint, choose, consign, delegate,designate, nominate, put down, select, specify,stipulate.
I assign my success to pure luck.
SYNONYM 同义词:accredit, ascribe,attribute, credit.
9.Coordinate 坐标 latitude longitude and vertical height.
10.Cone 圆锥体 cylinder 圆柱体
11. curvature
the state of being curved, or the degree to which something is curved
curvature of
the curvature of the Earth's surface
He suffered from curvature of the spine.
12.accord withhis idea
of sb's/sth's own accord
without being asked or forced to do something
He decided to go of his own accord.
The door seemed to move of its own accord.
be in accord with sth
These results are in accord with earlier research.
to match or agree with something
The punishments accorded with the current code of discipline.
in perfect/complete accord
It is important to the success of any firm that its partners should be in complete accord.
13.special theory of relativity狭义相对论-----general....广义
the ~ of sth/sbthe approach or arrival of (an important person, event, etc) (重要人物耶稣﹑事件等的)来临, 到来:With the advent of the new chairman, the company began to prosper.
15.sheer luck 运气
It issheer luckthat he survived the accident.
Sucess is not achieved bysheer luck.
16. Ether
按照当时的猜想,以太充满整个宇宙,电磁波可在其中传播。地球在围绕太阳公转,相对于以太具有一个速度v,因此如果在地球上测量光速,在不同的方向上测得的数值应该是不同的,最大为c+v,最小为c-v(此时存在假设以太相对太阳参考系是静止的。但即使以太相对太阳参考系不是静止的,在不同的方向上测得的数值也应该是不同的)。但是1881年-1884年,阿尔伯特·迈克尔逊(Albert Michelson)和爱德华·莫雷(Edward Morley)为测量地球和以太的相对速度,进行了著名的迈克尔逊—莫雷实验,测量了不同方向上的光速。然而实验结果显示,并不存在这个速度差异。这实际上证明了光速不变原理,即真空中光速在任何参照系下具有相同的数值,与参照系的相对速度无关,以太其实并不存在。后来又有许多实验支持了上面的结论。
I'm afraid that argument doesn'tholdwater.
deflect a blow.挡开一击。
SYNONYM同义词:avert, divert, head off, intercept, prevent, turn aside, ward off.
deflecta person's judgment
deflect sth (away) from sth
his attempts todeflect attentionaway from his private life
The committee is seeking todeflect criticismby blaming me.
to take someone's attention away from something
deflect sb from (doing) sth
Nothing can deflect me from reaching my goal.
Proportional to....同...成正比
Inversely proportional to成反比= proportional to the reciprocal of that (与倒数成正比)
Eg:离得近 说一起跳 声速光速都可以忽略
1.我这是5点,你那是几点? (时差)
How much time elapse between the two events? No longer absolute.也就是一个夜华飞出地球了,然后绕地球一周,两年后落地,发现墨渊老了两年半hhh(刨除考虑加速减速,重力场作用...)先只考虑狭义相对论
质能守恒定律,equivalent between energy and mass
The energy is equal to the mass time ,the square ,the speed of time
物体很难超过光速。因为E=mc方,爱因斯坦这个公式后来诞生了原子弹 任何有质量的物体都有其所蕴含的能力,当然这个能力需要外力去激发。比如用原子去轰铁板,当然其质量也会有所减少,rest mass有静质量动质量区分,relatively mass
大质量的星球会弯曲时空,有时候我们觉得两点直线最短,而事实能走的最小距离是在弯曲时空里的直线,比如地球二维曲面(二维是经度纬度),两点间最短量是经过两点的大圈the great circle,就是指经过地心的圆的弧度
光线也会弯折。 时间在遇到重物、天体时会偏慢
This article impressed me the most turns out to be the word“infinite”. The infinite universe unfold to us by physicists’exploration seems far more great than what we could comprehend, but these indeed closely bound up to our life.Time witnesses these physicists upset preconceptions, affected the future of humanity and convertedimpossible topossibilitybygroping in dark ignorance.Every discovery may shake up the root mind in our mind, it’s hard to distinguish real from wrong, let alone challenging previous so called“truth”.Iadmire their courage and persistence, even most of the time they are left high and dry, but theirrelentless search for truthstillcontinues.
Compared with the infinite world, how tiny we are and how fickle life is! Elon Musk said in an interview,“we just need to accept the probabilities, then that diminishes fear.”I do hope i can peek into a crystal ball for the future world though i might quite unsure myself.Life is short, but full of infinite possibilities, we are obliged to do something meaningful with courage and hope.
诶一写简书就觉得好对不起carrie姐近期都没有好好读书O__O "…