

作者: teletubbies天線堡堡 | 来源:发表于2020-05-20 04:06 被阅读0次















It was sunny morning, the teacher was on her way to the classroom. The breeze was soft, flowers were colourful, the sun was nice, it was just a nice start of the day anyways because the topic she was going to discuss with the kids was quite interesting.

She walked into the classroom.

'Good - Morning - Teacher!!!' the kindergarten kids shouted in unison.

'Good morning,' the teacher smiled, 'can someone guess what we are going to play today?'

Twenty heads shaked synchronously.

'We are going to discuss about - occupation!' the teacher said passionately and started to distribute small white cards, 'I want yall to write down your favourite occupation on this card.'

'But what is occupation?'

'Occupation is the job you want to do in the future. For example, if you want to be a doctor, 'doctor' would be yout occupation. Similarly, firefighters, bank managers... are all occupations. And just saying, teachers is also an occupation.'

'Thank you teacher!' the kid licked his fingers happily, he then took out his pen and started to write on the card.

The teacher circled around the classroom. She did see some interesting responses. There were pet shop owner, tik tok big name, uber driver and even professional ultraman. 'The world is changing' the teacher said to herself. Because back when she was in kindergarten, kids all wanted to be spaceman or scientist.

But he stopped behind the kid whom she constantly confused at because she didn't know if his surname is 'Zhao' or 'Zhao Li'. On his card, there was nothing yet.

'So... what do you want to do?' the teacher smiled and looked at the kid, 'do you want to be a scientist?'

'no, I really don't know what I want to do, it seems like I want to do a lot of things...' the kid paused,

'except for homework.'


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