6月晨读 Day 3

6月晨读 Day 3

作者: 琢石喵 | 来源:发表于2019-06-08 04:51 被阅读0次

Day2 feedback

tune/ news/ student/ tube 



How do we do that

beef up (bee fup)  back up (支持)

R&D H&M M&M P&L  (and)

Day 3

语音 (用意群记忆 学习)


trouble money wonder vs wander  lunch London

表达 (根据情景记忆, How would you use the material ?)

1. I am not surprised = no wonder  (小时了了,大未必佳)

2. 抢饭碗 eat our lunch

3. 利用。。 cash in on popularity (蹭热度,发国难财)

4. 我正想说呢 I was gonna say that = You took the words right out of my mouth 

5. 原地跑,没进展和突破 run in place 

6. 在某个问题上很纠结: back and forth on the issue (debating)

7. 硬着头皮做不喜欢的事情 bite the bullet: 

8. 磨磨唧唧: wishy-washy

磨叽、花费很长时间  it takes forever to...

And you guys messed around forever getting the site done. 

9. a tough call, make a call (call=decision)  

10. 试水 test the waters 

11. 全力以赴 make an all-out effort 

12. 直言不讳 I am not going to mince (my) words. 

13. deliver your promise (overpromise/ underdeliver) He overpromised and underdelivered. 

14. three months behind/ ahead of schedule

15. 补偿你 I will make it up to you. 

16. We are swamped = we are super busy. 




new blood (new 平调)


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      本文标题:6月晨读 Day 3
