

作者: 阎凤超_财富人生教练 | 来源:发表于2019-01-11 22:15 被阅读69次


Positive energy rituals—highly specific routines for managing energy— are the key to full engagement and sustained high performance.


Change is difficult. We are creatures of habit. Most of what we do is automatic and nonconscious. What we did yesterday is what we are likely to do today. The problem with most efforts at change is that conscious effort can’t be sustained over the long haul. Will and discipline are far more limited resources than most of us realize. If you have to think about something each time you do it, the likelihood is that you won’t keep doing it for very long. The status quo has a magnetic pull on us.


A positive ritual is a behavior that becomes automatic over time—fueled by some deeply held value.


We use the word “ritual” purposefully to emphasize the notion of a carefully defined, highly structured behavior. In contrast to will and discipline, which require pushing yourself to a particular behavior, a ritual pulls at you.


The power of rituals is that they insure that we use as little conscious energy as possible where it is not absolutely necessary, leaving us free to strategically focus the energy available to us in creative, enriching ways.


我的思考My Thinking


Rituals are the ultimate forms of Energy Management. Recently one fellow from Writing Camp wrote an e-letter to me(refer to attachment), which interpreted as a "disciplined, action like be programmed", i think this is the indications of Rituals, which required no conscious energy for me to do simple (may be boring in someone's eyes) routines.


I attended coach meeting this morning and end today’s sharing with this boasting


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