Do you feel like 2018 was 'toxic'? Oxford English Dictionary says its the word of the year
If you think 2018 has been a toxic year, you’re not alone.
The Oxford Dictionaries chose “toxic” as its word of the year, a title given to a word that reflects “the ethos, mood, or preoccupations of the passing year.” The adjective, which first appeared in English in the mid-17th century, means "poisonous."
The "intoxicating descriptor" has been applied to the year's most talked about topics in both a literal and metaphorical sense. The dictionary, published by Oxford University Press, observed a 45 percent increase in the number of times that "toxic" was looked up on its website this year.
Common words that accompany toxic: Concrete nouns like "chemical," "waste" and "algae" as well as more abstract ideas like "masculinity," "relationship" and "culture."
Toxic chemicals entered the news cycle, the dictionary notes, after the nerve agent poisoning of a former Russian intelligence officer and his daughter in Britain. A World Health Organization report from October of this year warmed that 93 percent of the world’s children breathe toxic, polluted air each day.
该词典指出,此前,一名前俄罗斯情报官员和他的女儿在英国被一种神经毒剂毒死,有毒化学物质随之进入新闻界。世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)今年10月发布的一份报告显示,全球93%的儿童每天呼吸有毒、受污染的空气。
Meanwhile, the dictionary adds, the ongoing reckoning with sexual harassment brought on by cultural touchstones like the #MeToo movement and Brett Kavanaugh’s Senate judiciary committee hearing increased the use of phrases like "toxic masculinity."
与此同时,《牛津词典》还表示,“我也是”运动和布雷特·卡瓦诺(Brett Kavanaugh)在参议院司法委员会(Senate judiciary committee)的听证会等文化试金石引发的对性骚扰的持续审判,增加了“有毒的男子气概”等短语的使用。