Don't waste time chasing butterflies. Mend your garden and the butterflies will come.
Butterflies By Kuan Sun Butterflies generally left as aut...
年代久远的大理石的纹路 没有鼓动翅膀的翩跹 却有生命静止的深度 不曾有风的过往 时间白驹过隙地流淌 美丽却惨遭风干...
Don't waste time chasing butterflies. Mend your garden an...
参照Using Mathematical Formulas to Draw Butterflies
蝶恋花 Tune: "Butterflies Lingering over Flowers" 柳永 By Liu ...
作者:晨曦 Butterflies on the roadside pause A falling leaf is...
Come along with me And the butterflies and bees We can wa...
If you add 3 or more than 3 butterflies of the same color...
Goals are like butterflies. If you chase them, you will h...
文|浅海深漪 Promises are often like butterflies, who disappear...