2020-03-15 20/20异象系列之七:教会不是看球赛(林

2020-03-15 20/20异象系列之七:教会不是看球赛(林

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2020-03-15 13:40 被阅读0次
Dave Zuleger - Lead Pastor, South Campus 戴夫·朱列格,南堂主任牧师
1 Corinthians 12:1-11 哥林多前书12:1-11
1 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be uninformed. 2 You know that when you were pagans you were led astray to mute idols, however you were led. 3 Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking in the Spirit of God ever says “Jesus is accursed!” and no one can say “Jesus is Lord” except in the Holy Spirit. 4 Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; 5 and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; 6 and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. 7 To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 8 For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the one Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills. 1 弟兄们,关于属灵的恩赐,我不愿意你们不明白。 2 你们知道,你们还是教外人的时候,总是受迷惑被引诱,去拜那不能说话的偶像。 3 所以我要你们知道,被 神的灵感动而说话的人,没有一个会说“耶稣是可咒诅的” ;除非是被圣灵感动,也没有人能说“耶稣是主” 。 4 恩赐有许多种,却是同一位圣灵所赐的; 5 服事的职分有许多种,但是同一位主; 6 工作的方式也有许多种,但仍是一位 神,是他在众人里面作成一切。 7 圣灵显现在各人的身上,为的是要使人得着益处。 8 有人藉着圣灵领受了智慧的言语,又有人靠着同一位圣灵领受了知识的言语, 9 又有人因着同一位圣灵领受了信心,还有人因着这位圣灵领受了医病的恩赐, 10 另有人可以行神蹟,另有人可以讲道,另有人可以辨别诸灵,也有人能说各种的方言,也有人能翻译方言。 11 这一切都是这同一位圣灵所作的,他按照自己的意思个别地分给各人。
Introduction: Church is not a Spectator Sport 引言:教会不是观赏性的体育项目
In February, we highlighted the job description of elders to follow the lead of Jesus, our Chief Shepherd, to know our flocks deeply, speak to them clearly, and grow in our oversight of them. This month, as Pastor Jason mentioned last week, we are moving on to the role of the church members as a whole. Here is the definition of a local church that Pastor Jason highlighted last week and we’ll continue to highlight throughout these weeks: 二月我们强调了长老的工作职责是跟从耶稣—我们大牧长的带领,更深地了解我们的羊群,清楚地对他们说话,在监督工作上获得成长。本月,如杰森牧师上周所说,我们的焦点转到关注全体教会成员的角色。上周杰森牧师强调了地方教会的定义,接下来几周我们继续强调:
A local church is a group of Christians who regularly gather in Christ’s name to officially affirm and oversee one another’s membership in Jesus Christ and his kingdom through gospel preaching, singing, praying together, and ordinances for the purpose of worship. 一间地方教会是一群基督徒,定期奉基督的名聚会,藉着传讲福音、为敬拜的目的一起歌唱和祷告,并施行圣礼,以正式地确认和监督彼此在耶稣基督及其国度里的成员资格。
By that very definition we can confess that things look a little bit different right now. In fact, it’s a bit weird and not how it is supposed to be – but our text today is still relevant for this moment and for the moment when we can come together again. 但在此刻,我们所承认的这个定义看起来有点不同。实际上,它看起来有点怪,也不像所设想的那样——但在当下(线上聚会)以及将来我们可以再次堂聚的时刻,我们今天的经文都与此有关。
When I first planned this sermon, I wanted to highlight the difference between someone watching a game in the stands and someone playing out on the court. Now, oddly enough we have a virus going around that caused all sorts of sporting events to be played with no one in the stands at all! Perhaps it is an appropriate picture of what the apostle Paul would call us to in this text. Everyone that is in the building is in the game! There are no spectators. 当我刚刚起草准备这篇讲章的时候,我想强调看球赛和下球场参加比赛的区别。现在,这诡异的病毒搞得我们所有的体育比赛都没有现场观众!这个比喻也许更形象地比拟使徒保罗在这段经文中呼召我们要做的。每个在教堂里的人都是参与者,没有旁观者。
What we will see Paul call us to in this text is full participation from the body of Christ. It is an odd time in the world and in so many ways most of us are in uncharted territory when it comes to life. And yet, I think the text that God had already ordained to be preached this morning fits the moment so well. 我们将看到保罗在这段经文对我们的呼召是人人参与作基督的肢体。现在全世界都处在特殊时刻,当它进入我们的生活时,我们中间多数人还对此一无所知。然而,我想我们今天这段经文是神命定我们今天早上要讲的,对于当下很切合。
We are going to see three things this morning: 1) the Spirit of God always works to declare Jesus is Lord, 2) the gifts of the Spirit are meant to display unity and diversity in the mission of our Lord, and 3) these gifts are given by the Spirit for the common good. 今早我们要看三件事:1)神的灵总是在作工,宣告耶稣是主。2)圣灵的恩赐用来在我们主的使命中彰显统一性和多样性。3)圣灵赐下这些恩赐是为了我们一同受益。
The Spirit Declares that Jesus is Lord (vv.1-3) 圣灵宣告耶稣是主(1-3节)
Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be uninformed. You know that when you were pagans you were led astray to mute idols, however you were led. Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking in the Spirit of God ever says “Jesus is accursed!” and no one can say “Jesus is Lord” except in the Holy Spirit. 1 弟兄们,关于属灵的恩赐,我不愿意你们不明白。 2 你们知道,你们还是教外人的时候,总是受迷惑被引诱,去拜那不能说话的偶像。 3 所以我要你们知道,被 神的灵感动而说话的人,没有一个会说“耶稣是可咒诅的” ;除非是被圣灵感动,也没有人能说“耶稣是主” 。
Let me start by doing something I don’t usually like to do. Telling you I don’t love the translation of verse 1. I think the first proposition that says, “Now concerning spiritual gifts…” would be better translated: 开始我要做一件我平常不喜欢做的事。就是我要说我不喜欢第1节的翻译。我想开头的“关于属灵的恩赐……”可能翻译成这样更好:
Now concerning life in the Spirit... 现在说到关于圣灵里的生命……
The word Paul uses there is the word he has used throughout the whole book of 1 Corinthians for things in the realm of the Spirit. The word here is pneumatikos, the word for spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians is charismata. 保罗这里所用的单词pneumatikos (πνευματικός)在整卷哥林多前书中指的都是灵界里的事物。而哥林多前书中“属灵恩赐”用的词是 charismata (χάρισμα)。
Now, here’s why that matters. Some commentators take the translation “spiritual gifts” and then look at verse 2 about being led astray to mute idols and then look at verse 3 where Paul talks about cursing Jesus and say that what was happening is that these spiritual gifts were actually demonic and Paul wants them to stop cursing Jesus. 现在我来解释一下这个区分为什么重要。有些解经家采用pneumatikos就是“属灵恩赐”的翻译,然后看到第2节说到被迷惑去拜那不能说话的偶像,然后看到第3节保罗说到咒诅耶稣,于是解经家就说这些属灵恩赐其实是邪灵,保罗要他们不要再咒诅耶稣。
However, that would be to use the word “spiritual” in a way Paul never uses it throughout the rest of the book of 1 Corinthians. Paul uses it five other times (2:13, 2:15, 3:1, 9:11, 10:4) and each time he shows something that the Spirit accomplishes in the lives of believers. In other words, he is showing what it is like to live in the power of the Spirit. 然而,这样用“属灵”这个词并不是保罗在哥林多前书中的本意。保罗在另外五次(2:13, 2:15,3:1,9:11,10:4)中每次都展示圣灵在信徒生命中所成就的作为。换句话说,他是在展示在圣灵的大能里生命是什么样子的。
So, with Paul talking about how Christians are to live in the power of the Spirit, what is the point of these verses? 那么,既然保罗说的是基督徒如何活在圣灵的大能里,这些经节的要点是什么?
If you were to look at 1 Corinthians as a whole and especially chapters 12-14 you would find a messed-up church that was not a witness in their times. Instead of exulting in Christ as Savior and Lord they were often fighting with each other, living in sin, and trying to decide who had the most important gifts from the Spirit. 如果你通观整卷哥林多前书,尤其是12-14章,你就会发现那是一个混乱的教会,在他们的时代里不是个好见证。他们并没有高举基督为救主和主,而是彼此争斗,活在罪中,互相攀比谁的属灵恩赐更重要。
Paul cuts right to the heart when he says, “Don’t you get it? Don’t you understand? How can you fight so much with each other? How can you live so deeply in sin? How can you focus on who has the most important gifts? Instead, you need to realize that all that the Spirit does among God’s people is to declare that Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord, so bow to him in the unity of the Spirit that you have in the blood of the cross! Jesus is Lord, so obey him and run away from sin by the power of the Spirit. Jesus is Lord, so stop deciding who has the most important gifts and instead come together and use those diverse gifts to state the one message that “Jesus is Lord!” 保罗一针见血地说:“你们不懂吗?你们不明白吗?你们怎么能有这么多内讧呢?你们怎么能这样深深地陷在罪中呢?你们怎么能这样只想着谁拥有最重要的恩赐呢?相反,你们应该认识到圣灵在神的子民中所做的就是要宣告耶稣是主。耶稣是主,你们要以合一的灵向耶稣跪拜,这样你们才于十字架上的宝血有分!耶稣是主,所以你们要靠着圣灵的大能,听从祂,远离罪。耶稣是主,所以你们不要再争论谁拥有最重要的恩赐,而是要团结一致,使用多样的恩赐来宣告同一个信息:‘耶稣是主!’”
Bethlehem, I’ve been praying this morning that the Spirit would work this unifying, purifying, and calming truth deep into our hearts this morning as we sang together and now hear the word together from our scattered places in light of this virus spreading and causing so much fear. 伯利恒会众,今天早上我祈祷,在病毒四处传播,制造恐慌的情况下,今天早上我们隔离在各自不同的地方,一起唱歌,一起听道的时候,圣灵能在你们内心深处作合一净化的工,向你们宣告真理,
Jesus. Is. Lord. Jesus reigns in this moment. Jesus has not taken his eyes off the road. Jesus has not stepped away from his throne. Jesus is not wringing his hands wondering what to do. Jesus is King of an unshakable kingdom that we have been called into if we’ve trusted in him. 耶稣。是。主。此刻耶稣正在掌权。耶稣的眼目不会离开我们的道路。耶稣从不离开祂的宝座。耶稣从不会焦急不知所措。耶稣是那不能震动之国的君王,我们如果信靠祂,就被呼召进入祂的国。
Look at me. There is nothing ultimately up for grabs for those who belong to the the Chief Shepherd: 请看着我。所有属于大牧长的人,没有谁能把他们夺走。
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand. (John 10:27-29) 27 我的羊听我的声音,我也认识他们,他们也跟随我。 28 我赐给他们永生,他们永不灭亡,谁也不能把他们从我手里夺去。 29 那位把羊群赐给我的父比一切都大,也没有人能把他们从我父的手里夺去。(约翰福音10:27-29)
He is our Shepherd in uncertain times. He is leading us to green pastures and still waters to restore our fearful souls. He is with us in the valley of the shadow of death. We don’t need to fear any evil – including the Coronavirus. He is pursuing us with goodness and mercy all the days of our lives – including these more uncertain days. We will dwell in his house forever, where all sin and sickness and suffering will be no more. 祂是我们在动荡时期的牧者。祂在带领我们去青草地上和可安歇的水边,让我们受惊的灵魂苏醒。祂在死荫的幽谷中与我们同在。我们不用害怕任何恶者——包括冠状病毒。祂以恩惠慈爱紧紧跟随我们一生一世——包括这些动荡不安的日子。我们要安住在祂的殿中直到永远,在那里不再有一切的罪、疾病和痛苦。
The reason Coronavirus is ultimately scary comes from the fact that all suffering and disease whispers that death is real. We try to avoid that truth in our culture. We try to numb it by controlling our circumstances, starting new diets, binging tv shows, busying ourselves on social media, and a million other ways. But, death is real. We will all die. Disease and lack of control is terrifying to a world that knows this deep down but wants to deny it. 冠状病毒之所以最终令人恐惧,是因为所有痛苦和疾病都在悄声说死亡是真实的。在我们的文化中,我们试图回避这个真理。我们试图通过控制环境、开始新的饮食习惯、沉迷于电视、忙于社交媒体等百万种方式来麻痹自己。但,死亡是真实的。我们都要死。疾病和失控让世界惊恐,这世界深深地知道这一点,却总是不想承认。
However, as Christians, we can live in freedom from the fear of death because death is swallowed up in the victory of Christ's death and resurrection. Sin has been defeated for us. We will rise again to be with Jesus. Those in Christ will never ultimately die. We have a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Our Savior is Lord and he reigns today. 但是,作为基督徒,我们可以活在免于怕死的自由里,因为死亡已经被基督的死与复活所吞没。祂为我们打败了罪。我们也要复活,与耶稣同在。在基督里的人最终都不会死。我们有一个国度,是不能震动的。我们的救主是主,祂今天仍在掌权。
Bethlehem, the Spirit means to set your heart on the reign of Jesus today. To set your heart on his sure resurrection power that will cause you to rise again. To trust in his promises. 伯利恒,圣灵是要你的心今天就专注于耶稣的掌权。要把你的心放在祂确定无疑的复活大能之上,祂会让你重新活过来。要相信祂的应许。
The Spirit is always working in our hearts to help us declare and believe down to our bones that Jesus is Lord and though we have no control at all – he has all control and he is for us and with us. 圣灵总是在我们的心中作工,帮助我们宣告且深入骨髓地相信耶稣是主,尽管我们无能为力——祂掌管一切,祂向着我们,也与我们同在。
Unity and Diversity in the Mission of the Lord (vv.4-6) 主的使命中的统一性和多样性(4-6节)
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. 4 恩赐有许多种,却是同一位圣灵所赐的; 5 服事的职分有许多种,但是同一位主; 6 工作的方式也有许多种,但仍是一位 神,是他在众人里面作成一切。
In verse 4 he just states there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. Your gifts, whatever they are, are empowered by the Spirit. Here in verse 4 he uses the word “charismata” that is very closely related to the word for grace, “charis”, in other words the One Spirit gives diversities of gifts of grace to the church. All of this is by grace and not owing to our ability. 在第4节中他说恩赐虽有多样,却是出于同一圣灵。你的恩赐,不管是什么,都是圣灵所赋予的。在第4节中他用的是“charismata”,这个词和恩典“charis”很接近,换句话说,同一位灵把多样的恩赐赋予教会。这一切都是出于恩典,而不是凭我们的能力。
In verse 5 he states that there are diversities of ways people serve but there is one Lord they ultimately serve. In other words, don’t try to make one person’s ministry more “holy” or “spiritual” when it is done in obedience to the same Lord. In other words, my preaching is not more spiritual than your hospitality this morning or this week to your elderly neighbors by getting their groceries. My preaching is not more spiritual than the media team that is working hard to get this stream to you. Our goal is to serve the Lord together. (note of thanks to the operations team) 在第5节中他说人们服事的方式有多样,但最终服事的是同一位主。换句话说,当一个人的服事是出于顺服同一位主,就不要争论哪个服事更“圣洁”或更“属灵”。换句话说,我的讲道并不比你帮助年老的邻居买菜更属灵。我的讲道并不比媒体团队实现这个直播的工作更属灵。我们的目标是共同服事主。(感谢运作团队)
In verse 6, he says there is a diversity of “workings” but it is the same God (the Father) who works them all in each one. In other words, all of our work is worked in us by God. All of our spiritual work is empowered by the Father. Every work. In each one of us. 在第6节中,他说“工作”的方式也有多种,但只有同一位神(天父),祂在众人里面作成一切。换句话说,我们所有的工作都是神在我们里面作工。我们所有的属灵工作都是由天父赋予的。每一项工作,在我们中的每一个。
Notice, how he highlights this unity and diversity by mentioning all three persons of the Trinity. The beauty of our God, the reality that makes our God different from any other God in the universe, is that our God is three-in-one, Father, Son, and Spirit, three persons, one God, unity and diversity. 请注意他是如何提到三位一体的每一位来强调这统一性与多样性。我们神的荣美,我们的神与宇宙中别神的不同之处就在于,我们的神是三而一,父、子、灵,三位,一神,统一而又多样。
Each person in the Trinity has a role to play in the mission of the gospel. And in the same way each of you have gifts, ways you serve, and work you do as part of your campus that is meant to display the unity and diversity of our God in the mission of the gospel. 三位一体中的每一位在福音使命中各有不同角色。同样的,你们中的每一位都有恩赐,以不同的方式服事,做不同的工作,在你们各自的堂区中彰显福音使命中我们神的统一性与多样性。
We live in a world where division over differences for all sorts of reasons reign. Even the church is often divided. What a beautiful picture it is when our diversity does not cause division but instead we come together in unity for the mission of the gospel! Perhaps now is the moment the church comes together and says with all of our diverse gifts, “Jesus is Lord! Come to him!” 我们生活在一个因各种原因而致分歧占主导的世界里。甚至教会也常常分裂。当我们的多样性不是导致分裂而是在统一性中为了福音的使命走到一起,那该是多么美好的图景!也许现在就是时候,教会走到一起,带着我们所有不同的恩赐,说:“耶稣是主!到祂这里来!”
These Gifts are Given by the Spirit for the Common Good(vv. 7,11) 这些恩赐是圣灵为了我们共同的益处而赋予的(第7,11节)
To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good… All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills. 7 圣灵显现在各人的身上,为的是要使人得着益处。 …… 11 这一切都是这同一位圣灵所作的,他按照自己的意思个别地分给各人。
I skipped the middle verses because they are simply meant to illustrate the diversity we see. I should mention that no list of gifts in the Bible is exhaustive. It’s not meant to be complete. Paul is simply illustrating that there is intentionality in the diversity of gifts the church in Corinth is receiving. If you don’t have a gift on this list, you’re not off the hook. We still need you in the game. 我跳过中间几节,因为它们只是让我们看到是怎样的多样性。我应该提一下,圣经中恩赐的清单没有一个是穷尽的。完整不完整不重要。保罗只是想说明哥林多教会所领受的恩赐多样性是有目的的。如果你的恩赐不在这个清单里,并不是说你就被排除在外。我们仍然需要你参与其中。
Notice three things with me. 请和我一起来关注三件事:
1) To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit. As you serve, you are manifesting God himself! God is working through you to show the world himself! This is an amazing reality that adds wonder and purpose to all that we do. 1)各人身上都是灵的显现。当你服事的时候,你就是在彰显神!神是藉着你作工而向世界彰显祂自己!这真是一个了不起的现实,为我们所作的增添了神奇的色彩和重要的意义。
2) Also notice that this is for the common good. This means that we need each other. If you are not actively participating at your campus, then those at your campus are missing out! We are not an independent people who do things on our own. We are an interdependent people that have been empowered and endowed with specific gifts in our specific context to love and serve one another and the world around us. You cannot be a spectator for the church to be all that God has for us to be. We cannot be a place with the 80/20 rule where 20% of the people do 80% of the ministry. Each person has a gift from God to be used in service to the Lord for the good of those around them. 2)另外请注意,这是为了共同的益处。这意味着我们彼此需要。如果你没有积极参与你们堂区,那你们堂区的人们就会失去点什么!我们不是孤立的人,各干各的。我们相依为命,在我们各自的背景中被赋予、授予不同的恩赐,彼此相爱,彼此服侍,也服事我们周围的世界。你不能作一个教会的旁观者。我们不能成为一个跳不出80/20定律的地方,20%的人做80%的服事。每个人都从神那里领受了恩赐,用来服事主,也是为了周围人的益处。
3) Notice that there are no accidents here. The Spirit apportions to each one individually as he wills. This unified mission to declare Jesus as Lord is intentionally diverse. 3)注意这里没有偶然。圣灵照着祂的旨意个别地分给各人。这个宣告耶稣是主的统一使命有意被多样化。
Jesus is Lord and we bow to him and rest in that. And we have been purposefully given unique gifts by the Spirit to help others bow to him and rest in that as well. 耶稣是主,我们向祂屈膝敬拜,安息在这真理里面。我们被圣灵有意地赋予独特的恩赐来帮助他人敬拜祂,也安息在祂里面。
In the midst of a fearful and shaken world right now, God has placed you in a gathering in Lakeville, Minneapolis, or Shoreview with specific gifts and good works to do by his power that display the love of Christ. There can be no spectators in the church of Christ right now. Instead, let’s ask God to empower our gifts and our acts of service more than ever before to reach out to a dying world and pray that God would bring about revival as the world sees an unshaken and self-giving people. 此刻在这恐慌与动荡的世界里,神已经把你们安置在莱克维尔、明尼阿波利斯或肖尔维尤,靠着祂的大能用你们各自的恩赐与善行彰显基督的爱。现在在基督的教会里没有看客。相反,让我们求神赋予我们比以往更多的恩赐和服侍的行动,向这垂死的世界伸出手,当世界看到一群坚定不移自我奉献的人时求神赐下复兴。
These diverse gifts given by the one Spirit to the one body of Christ are not meant to just be thought about. This is where the rubber meets the road. The gifts are given for the common good. They are meant to be exercised in the strength of the Spirit. They are meant to move us to action that displays the love of Christ. These gifts are not theoretical, they move towards the practical. It is God manifesting himself in the real world to real people in real time to declare that Jesus is Savior and Lord. 这些多样性的恩赐由一位圣灵赋予基督的一个身体,这不只是让你作作哲理的遐思,而是要付诸实践。恩赐被赋予,是为了共同的益处。它们本应在圣灵的力量中使用。它们旨在推动我们采取行动彰显基督的爱。这些恩赐不是理论上的,而是面向实践。那是神在真实的世界中实时地向真实的人们彰显祂自己,宣告耶稣是救主和主。
This is an unprecedented season of life together as a church. How can we display this unity and diversity in real time and real ways now for the mission of Christ? 这是教会生活史无前例的特殊时期。现在我们该如何实时而真实地展现这种统一性和多样性,以完成基督的使命?
Application: Get in the Game – Love God and Love Your Neighbor as Yourself 应用:加入赛场——爱神,爱人如己
If the Spirit helps us believe that Jesus is Lord over every inch of the universe, then we must believe that the situation we find ourselves in right now is no accident. Let me read the quote from C.H. Spurgeon that Pastor Jason sent in his email on Friday: 如果圣灵帮助我们相信耶稣主宰这个宇宙的每一处,那么我们必须相信我们现在所处的情境绝非偶然。杰森牧师周五的邮件中引用了司布真的一段话,我来读给大家听:
I believe that every particle of dust that dances in the sunbeam does not move an atom more or less than God wishes—that every particle of spray that dashes against the steamboat has its orbit, as well as the sun in the heavens—that the chaff from the hand of the winnower is steered as the stars in their courses. The creeping of an aphid over the rosebud is as much fixed as the march of the devastating pestilence—the fall of leaves from a poplar is as fully ordained as the tumbling of an avalanche. 我相信在阳光中飞舞的每一粒微尘,没有一个原子不是按照神的旨意运动——拍打汽艇的每一朵浪花都有它的轨迹,如同天上的太阳——从扬谷者手上飞扬的谷壳遵循既定的路线,如同天上的星斗。一只蚜虫在玫瑰花瓣上爬行的路线和致命瘟疫蔓延的路线一样固定——杨树上飘落的叶子和滚落的雪崩一样早已命定。
We believe along these same lines that every virus must submit to the Lordship of Jesus. Therefore, we must believe that God has placed every one of you at your campus, with your gifts, in this moment of time to spread gospel hope and gospel rest in the Lordship of Christ during these uncertain days. 同样地,我们相信每一个病毒都降服在耶稣的主权之下。因此,我们必须相信神已经把你们安置在各自的堂区,使用你们的恩赐,在此刻传扬福音的盼望,和基督主权里的福音安息,度过这不安的日子。
Even though we will miss our large gatherings and times together during this season, the mission of the gospel still goes on! And for those who have been loved by God in Christ the call on our lives is clear! 尽管在这段时期中我们会想念我们的大型聚会,但福音的使命总不停息!对于那些已经在基督里蒙神宠爱的人们,我们生命的呼召是清楚的!
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 22:37-40) “你要全心、全性、全意爱主你的 神。 这是最重要的第一条诫命。第二条也和它相似,就是要爱人如己。全部律法和先知书,都以这两条诫命作为根据。”(马太福音22:37-40)
So, Bethlehem, now is not a time to passively sit on the sidelines, but more than ever to get in the game and love the Lord your God with all your heart and love your neighbors as yourselves. 所以,伯利恒,现在不是被动地坐在场外袖手旁观的时候,而是比以往更积极地投入比赛,全心爱主你的神,爱人如己。
First, make this a time where you go deeper in the word and prayer than ever before alone and with small groups of others. Let the word of Christ dwell richly in you. Linger in prayer with others. We need to be a people saturated in the word of God and we can all agree that there’s much to pray for. Look to Jesus in his word and go to his throne of grace often so that you can have deep fellowship with your Lord and so that he can remind you of your unshakable hope. Then, when opportunities come to encourage your brothers and sisters, or the world around you, you’ll be ready. I’m praying this would be a kind of time where life is upset enough to remind us that our unchanging hope is God and that we are always 100% dependent on him. 首先,利用这段时间,比以往更深入地读经和祷告,可以你自己一个人,也可以和小组的其他人一起。让基督的话语更丰盛地住在你里面。与他人一同持续祷告。我们需要成为一群被神的话语浸透的人,我们也同意还有很多事情要祷告。在耶稣的话里看见耶稣,常常到祂的施恩座前,为要与你的主有深厚的亲密关系,为要祂来提醒你拥有不可动摇的盼望。然后,当机会来临,你就预备好了去鼓励你的弟兄姐妹或你周围的世人。我在祈祷,让当下这段生活困顿的非常时期,成为对我们的提醒,我们永不改变的盼望在于上帝,我们总是100%地依靠祂。
Second, make this a time to love your neighbor as yourself. Christians who are set free from the fear of death by Lordship of Christ and especially those of us not in a vulnerable position should take this opportunity to love our neighbors! Love those vulnerable among your congregation by checking in on them and offering to run errands for them. Love the vulnerable in your neighborhood by stopping by and asking how you can help them. Love people by taking time to listen to their fears and pointing them to hope in Jesus. Jesus shines bright in dark times. People will be looking for hope. You are empowered by the Spirit to love and speak hope. 其次,利用这个时期来爱人如己。因着基督的主权从怕死中得自由的基督徒,尤其是其中的年富力强者,理应好好利用这个机会来爱我们的邻舍!爱你们当中身体虚弱的人,为他们跑腿。爱你们邻舍中虚弱的人,主动探访询问如何帮助他们。爱人可以体现在花时间倾听他们的恐惧,向他们指明耶稣里的盼望。耶稣在黑暗时刻发光。人们会寻求希望。你被圣灵赋予能力去爱,并宣讲盼望。
We cannot gather, but perhaps this is a moment where the Lord Jesus is teaching us once again to be salt and light as we are scattered throughout these Twin Cities. And perhaps this is a moment where the Lord Jesus means to shine the light of his love into the darkness of fear and weakness to a watching world. Perhaps through our increased love for God and love for neighbor God means for revival to break out. 我们不能聚会,但也许这是主耶稣给我们的一个机会,再次教导我们要分散在两城地区作光作盐。也许是主耶稣要我们在恐惧和软弱的黑暗里发出祂爱的光辉给观望着的世人看。也许藉着这不断增长的爱神爱人,神要给我们带来复兴的突破。
This moment is not separate from our 20/20 vision, Bethlehem. March is all about the job description of the church. We need everyone to get in the game and play in the strength that God supplies. Each one of you has gifts that God means to use to declare he is Lord and spread his love to those around us. The job description of the church hasn’t changed, even if the circumstances have. 此刻不是和20/20异象无关,伯利恒。三月讲的都是关于教会的职责。我们需要每个人都参与到赛场中,用神所供应的力量来拼搏。你们每个人所拥有的恩赐是神要你用来宣告祂是主,并向我们周围传播祂的爱。哪怕环境变化了,教会的职责也不会改变。
Therefore, this virus is a chance for the church to declare the victory of Christ. This disease is a chance for the church to make disciples of Christ. This lockdown is a chance for the church to show the love of Christ. 因此,这个病毒是给教会一个宣告基督得胜的机会。这疾病是给教会一个建造门徒的机会。这个全民隔离是给教会一个展示基督之爱的机会。
God has given you gifts for the common good. The mission of the church remains the same. Let’s declare Jesus is Lord and love our neighbors as ourselves as we are scattered until that sweet moment when we can gather once again. 神已经为了众人的益处赋予你恩赐。教会的使命永不更改。在这各自分散的时期中让我们宣告耶稣是主,爱人如己,直到我们重聚的甜蜜时刻到来。



      本文标题:2020-03-15 20/20异象系列之七:教会不是看球赛(林
