Lesson 15 The Zoo Is Open(2nd pe

作者: 木子_ed3f | 来源:发表于2019-06-06 22:24 被阅读10次

    Teaching objectices:

    1. All of the students can understand the passage correctly by reading.

    2.Most of students can be able to act out the situation.

    3. Most students can talk about their own experience of visiting the zoos, and write a passage about their experience.

    4. Be able to have the awareness of protecting animals.

    Teaching important focus:

    To develop Ss' ability of getting information by reading again and again.

    Teaching difficulties:

    Ss can make their own dialogues about  going to the zoo.

    Teaching methods:

    Task-based language teaching method, situation teaching method, talking with them.

    Learning methods:

    independent -study method, cooperative learning method, acting learning.

    Teaching concepts:

    Step1 Revision (Lead students to review the knowledge learnt before.)

    Step2. Brainstorm(Before reading)

    Make students write down the names of animals as many as they can.

    Step3. Reading practice.(While-reading)

    1.Self-reading. Answer some questions .

    (To train students abilities of getting information themselves.)

    2.Read in groups, get to know about the passage.Try to share their own opinions to protect the animals that are in danger.

    (To train students' cooperative ability.)

    3.Do the role play and act out the dialogue.

    Step4. Activities.(Post-reading.)

    Work in groups . Make a new conversation about their own experience to the zoo.

    Step5. Sum up and homework.

    Write a short passage and talk about their experience of going to the zoo. try to tell us the ways to protect the animals.

    Lesson 15 The Zoo Is Open(2nd period)



        本文标题:Lesson 15 The Zoo Is Open(2nd pe
