

作者: AmyzLearning | 来源:发表于2017-08-10 20:15 被阅读7次

在奥德修斯一行人逃出Polyphemus的洞穴后,他们乘船来到了一个floating island,Aeolus便是这个岛上的国王(In Greek mythology, he was the keeper of wind, so he could calm them down and rouse them as he pleased.)


按照希腊习俗,Aeolus也向Odyssey提供了礼物----装满来自四面八方(除了西风)的风的鼓鼓囊囊的牛皮袋。“But his plan was bound to fail, yes, our own reckless folly swept us on to ruin …” 接下来发生的事在一些动画片里也出现过。他的同伴因为好奇、羡慕、嫉妒打开了那个口袋,放出的大风又把他们送回了Aeolian island。本来homeland近在眼前,Odysseus从睡梦中惊醒,睁眼一看,这下可好了吧,又得重新来过!

说到这里,其实Odyssey也不想睡的,可实在是撑不住睡意啊。“now an enticing sleep came on me, bone-weary from working the vessel's sheet myself, no letup,never trusting the ropes to any other mate...”从这句话可以看出Odysseus从来就不相信自己的伙伴,连操纵船的绳子都得自己看好才行。这也大概说的通为什么他没告诉其他人那个口袋里装的究竟是什么了。

wailing, in tears, far from our own native land. And I woke up with a start, my spirit churning—should I leap over the side and drown at once or grin and bear it, stay among the living?  I bore it all, held firm, hiding my face, clinging tight to the decks

事已至此,我们来看看他们当时的反应吧。那时是大风在嚎,人也在流泪哀嚎。Odysseus反应过来,肠子都悔青了。他问自己,是一头跳下去淹死算了,还是笑一笑忍了活下去呢?最后他选择了面不改色地、坚定地面对这一切。当他们回到那个岛的时候,他的船友groaned hard,始作俑者也在悔不当初呐。(Odysseus就在一旁默默地看着这一群不靠谱的队友。):D 

之所以造成这样的情况,我觉得与其全部怪罪于他的shipmates(人的好奇心,嫉妒心作祟indulge curiosity),不如说是Odysseus和同伴之间还是没有完全坦然,相信彼此所造成的吧。

Groan as I did, his curses drove me from his hallsand from there we pulled away with heavy hearts,with the crews'spirit broken under the oars' labor,thanks to our own folly … no favoring wind in sight.

国王下了逐客令后,Odysseus他们不得不靠自己乘船前行。他们来到另一个岛上,碰到了如mountain crag的皇后和barbarous Laestrygonians。最后他们顺利逃脱。

From there we sailed on, glad to escape our death yet sick at heart for the dear companions we had lost...

这是从前面几章开始,每当Odysseus他们折损了几名同伴后都会出现的话。在悲喜交织的复杂心情中,他们就这样继续航行。茫茫大海中(barren sea),希望在何方?

接着他们便来到了Aeaean island,上面居住着的可是能用人的声音说话(其他的神不能吗?)、能迷惑人的nymph,Circe。她把Odysseus派去打探的一些船员变成了swine,意志坚定的才跑了回来。在Odysseus他们绞尽脑汁的追问下,吓得不轻的同伴才道出事情经过。他们决定去一探究竟。

She opened her gleaming doors at once and stepped forth,inviting us all in, and in we went, all innocence.But I stayed behind—I sensed a trap.

Circe开门后,邀请他们进去,但Odysseus觉察到事有蹊跷,逃过了圈套。之后Odysseus还想再去一趟,他的一个同伴则劝他cut and run. 还来得及escape the fatal day。

I must be off. Necessity drives me on.




  • 思想筆記:(Odysseus就在一旁默默地看着这一群不靠谱的队友。):D


