
作者: 小五儿Maggie | 来源:发表于2017-01-16 00:46 被阅读122次

    在“How to read a book”一书中,作者特意为我们介绍了如何阅读戏剧和悲剧。同所有作品一样—— 文学作品也好,科技类论说作品也好——在阅读的过程中,我们要问自己四个问题:

    What is the book about as a whole?

    What is being said in detail and how?

    Is the book true, in whole or part?

    What of it?

    How to Read Play

    戏剧也属于故事类,所以读戏剧的方法和读故事类作品 (以小说为代表) 大致相同。那么我们先来看看故事类作品应该怎样读。

    The first piece of advice we would like to give you for reading a story is this: Read it quickly and with total immersion.

    阅读故事类文章,首先要做到的就是一气呵成的读完,不断的停顿很容易让你出戏,让你失去故事的完整性。有一些读者,会在读的过程中故意停下来,回味刚才读过的内容,回想人物性格,实际上这种情况下,与其说他们在读书,不如说他们在利用刚才所读的故事情节及人物性格满足自己潜意识中的情感需求。在作者观点中,书不应该这样读,我们要快速的读一遍,"let the stories work on you, let the characters into you mind and heart, suspend your disbelief, if such it is, about the events"


    1. The only way to do that is to make a pretense of seeing it acted.

    2. Read slowly, as if an audience were listening, and with "expression"—that is,  try to make the words meaningful to you as you read them.



    How to Read Tragedy

    作者认为,很多的悲剧都不值得一读,但是萃取下来的精华,如古希腊三大悲剧家的作品,莎士比亚的作品都是一些经典大作— "for they contain within them some of the deepest and richest insights men have ever expressed in words."


    For one thing, in the ancient world, three tragedies were presented at one time, the three often dealing with a common theme.

    For another, it is almost impossible to stage the play mentally, since we know almost nothing about how the Greek directors did it.

    For still another, the plays often are based on stories that were well-known to their audience, but are known to us only through the plays.



    The first is to remember that the essence of tragedy is time, or rather the lack of it.

    The second is that you should always imagine, when you read the words of the chorus, that the words are spoken by person of your own stature; while the words spoken by the protagonists proceed from the mouths of giants from personages who did not only seem, but actually were, larger than life.






