Day10: 常用动词二

Day10: 常用动词二

作者: 换个名字再说 | 来源:发表于2018-07-28 01:32 被阅读22次




    1. getfetch(取得)、receiev(接收)、obtain(获得)等意思,通常用get+宾语 或 get+间接宾语+直接宾语 形式:

      When are you going to get your new car? (your new car 作宾语)

      Can you get me a ice-cream? (me 作间接宾语,a ice-cream 作直接宾语)

    2. get+形容词,有become(变成) 或 描述状态、情况的变化等意思:

      Put your coat and scarf on or you'll get cold.

      Let's hope she gets better soon.

      It is getting dark.

    3. get + -ed形式(过去分词)描述发生在我们身上的事,通常是不幸的事以及我们不希望发生的事,此模式为被动:

      The cottage got really badly damaged in the floods last year.

      Sorry we're late. The train got delayed for over an hour outside Manchester.

    4. get + 宾语 + -ed形式(过去分词) 描述我们会导致某些事情发生或将要完成:

      I'm getting the computer repaired on Monday.

      I'm going to the supermarket so I'll get your jacket cleaned if you like.

      get + 名词短语宾语 + 宾语补足语 描述我们会导致某些事情发生:

      Sorry to keep your waiting. We are just getting the bill ready for you. (the bill / ready for you)

      get + 宾语 + to动词不定式get + 宾语 + ing形式 描述导致(cause)或说服(persuade)发生:

      They got me to talk to the police, even though I knew it wouldn't help. (他们劝我和警察谈话)

      Can you help me get this printer working.

    5. get及其短语有太多意思了...慢慢积累吧


    1. put表示移动某物到特定地方,put必须带一个宾语和地点:

      She took off her coat and put it on the chair.

      Where did you put my glasses?


    1. make + 宾语 谈论我们生产或创造的事物:

      She make some coffee.

      Did you really make this table.

      这里有常用的make + 宾语表达:

      --- --- --- ---
      make a claim make a mess make a speech make a complaint
      make a misstake make a start make a concession make a note
      make a statement make a data make a phone call make a wish
      make a difference make a point make an appointment make a fuse
      make a profit/loss make an effort make a list make a sound
    2. make + 宾语 + 形容词补充语:

      Music makes me happy.

    3. make + 宾语 + 名词补充语:

      They make her team captain for the coming year. (make / her / team captain / 他们让她来年成为队长)

      A: When am I going go get my suitcase?

      B: I promise you we're going to make it a priority. (make / it / a priority)

    4. make + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语:

      The chref made him a special cake. (主厨给他做了一份特别的蛋糕)

      Can I make you a cup of tea or coffee?

    5. make + 宾语 + for介词短语(不用to):

      I make paste for our guests.

      Not: I make paste to our guests.

    6. make + 宾语 + 形容词/名词补充语 + for介词短语:

      He made life difficult for me.

      What would make it a better book for students?

    7. make也有强制某人做某事的意思,在主动句中跟不带to的动词不定式,在被动句中必须带to:

      The boss made me work an extra day. (老板让我多做一天工作)

      Not: The boss made me to work ...

      The people were made to wait outside while the committee reached its decision.


    1. 我们使用go来指一动作,常见的是远离说话者或听者去另一个地方。通常使用go不加宾语:

      Does this tram go to the city center.

      Can you wait here while I go back to the house to fetch my jacket.


      Shall we take this bus or shall we walk?

      Not: Shall we take this bus or shall we go?

    2. 当我们谈论一般涉及动作的活动时使用go + ing形式

      Jack and his dad has gone fishing until later this evening.

      It was pouring with rain and all we could do was to go shopping.

    3. go + 形容词补语 描述事物状态的变化:

      Don't let the coffee go cold.

      Their car went wrong again just two days after it had been repaired.

    4. 在口语中,go and / come and经常加askbuycheckcollectdofindget

      Why don't you go and ask her?

      I need to go and buy myself some running shoes.

      She should go and find another job.


    1. enjoy的意思是从某事物中获得乐趣,它通常跟一个宾语:

      We enjoy the movie so much.

      Enjoy your holiday in Ireland.

      当我们谈论从我们所处的情况中获得乐趣时,我们用enjoy + myself / yourself / herself / himself 等:

      Did you enjoy yourself last night?

      We always enjoy ourselves when we go to Lin's house.

    2. enjoy后面只跟ing形式不跟to动词不定式

      I never enjoy cycling.

      Not: I never enjoy to cycle.

    3. 在美式口语中,enjoy有时会单独使用,这是非常常见的:

      A: We're now going out for dinner.

      B: Enjoy!


    1. explain的意思是通过描述或给一些信息让某事物变得清晰或者容易理解,我们可以直接在explain后面加宾语或者在宾语后面再加to介词短语

      Could you explain this diagram, please?

      Can you explain the route to me?

      但不使用explain + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语:

      Not: Can you explain me the route?

    2. explain不作describle的意思使用,describle意思是通过说或写等方式来描述某人某物的样子等,用explain时,表示我们需要给出理由或者解释原理等:

      To describle myself, I am very honest and a workaholic.

      Not: To explain myself, I am very hoest and a workaholic.



        本文标题:Day10: 常用动词二
