Packet Checksum Recalculation

Packet Checksum Recalculation

作者: 戎安歌 | 来源:发表于2020-03-03 19:34 被阅读0次

    This afternoon, I was just going to demonstrate my packet modifying program to the customer, when I found that transport layer checksum values of all TCP/UDP packets were incorrect.
    I was upset. Why didn't I find out this error earlier?
    I had to cancel the demonstration and start thinking about packet checksum recalculation when parts of a packet is modified.

    As I saw in Wireshark, all UDP and TCP checksum fields were incorrect, while all IPv4 checksum fields were correct.
    That's because I only modified TCP/UDP payload data. I didn't modify any data in IPv4 headers.

    So I only have to implement the transport layer checksum calculation.
    Fortunately, I've written many code pieces on this in both C and Java in different projects. I can easily found them and do some copy and paste jobs.

    Another things I want to make clear is the IPv4 header checksum, though there's no error now.
    From IPv4 - Wikipedia and IPv4 header checksum - Wikipedia, I know that IPv4 header checksum is calculated from the IPv4 header.
    Though IPv4 options are not often used, I still want to know: are options included when calculating the checksum?
    It's not stated clearly in the above Wikipedia pages.

    After some research on the Internet, I found the answer: options are included in the IPv4 header checksum calculation.

    So everything is clear. I will implement the transport layer checksum tomorrow.

    This article was created on Mar 3 2020



        本文标题:Packet Checksum Recalculation
