平衡发展 10月12日学习记录

平衡发展 10月12日学习记录

作者: 玩英语 | 来源:发表于2016-10-12 22:01 被阅读19次

Review the video vocabulary

Due to the circumstances, I didn't watch some of the videos meticulously yesterday, so when when I review them today , I have no idea what that video means , sad !!!

Tidy the storeroom

I have no choice but to clean the storeroom in the entire morning . Do nothing about english learning , in the afternoon download 15 GRE vocabulary video to elucidate the uncommon word , when I search some word in Youtube, it only return some video about obscure music , that means nothing to help me comprehend the word . Another annoying is the snail web speed , the GFW inhibit the PRC civilian getting access to the outward world , this means impossible to seek english videos , if without the help of Internet creative progress . But the Vpn is a stick , I can only download the video At the speed of 20 k per second , snail !!

English learning priority

Last meeting , Heather reminded my poor pronunciation again , I knew I should improve my pronunciation better , but now I have to get a TOEFL score , so pronunciation is one factor that will impact the performance, reading , listening , writing are all essential and critical . The time is limited , if I invest most of my time to build a native pronunciation habit , what about the other skills ? So I will spend 30 a day to correct the pronunciation error , and more time in reading and aquisiting big word .


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      本文标题:平衡发展 10月12日学习记录
