如何保持生活和提高效率之间的平衡? 2018-05-07

如何保持生活和提高效率之间的平衡? 2018-05-07

作者: NapoleonHill | 来源:发表于2018-05-07 22:33 被阅读0次


    I. Efficient Time Management    有效的时间管理

     Our perception of our own time management isn’t always accurate. Do you balance your life

    by practicing efficient time management? Look closely at how you manage your time,compare

    your activities to someone you know who is efficient,and ask for feedback. These time management tips can help you balance school,work and life。


    II. Write Down Everything You Do in a Day   记下你每天做的事情

    For one day,keep a notebook with you and write down how you spend every minute of that day,in chunks,of course. What time did you get up? How long did it take you to get ready for the day?Breakfast?Email?Puttering?


    This is an obnoxious exercise,but I promise it will be remarkably enlightening in helping you achieve balance. Most people spend a lot of time doing unimportant things. When you raise your awareness of your own activities,you can make different choices, get a lot more done, and

    balance school, work, and life more easily。


    III. Observe an Efficient Person    观察一个有效率的人

    Now that you know how you spend the hours in a day,find the most efficient person you know and watch what they do and how they do it. What kind of planning system do they use? How do they schedule their time? How do they combine tasks? How do they balance?


    If this isn’t appropriate in your situation,ask your efficient role model if you can have a few minutes to interview them about their time management。


    IV. Ask for Feedback   寻求反馈

    Asking for feedback about anything is an underused and extremely valuable tool. Ask someone you trust, someone who knows how you manage time, to give you feedback about your activities. We all develop habits that become completely blind to us over time。


    A word of caution here:it’s easy to get upset when we hear criticism. Remember that you have asked for feedback. No matter what response you receive, say thank you. Don’t argue,and avoid being defensive. Take the information,reflect on it for a day,and consider the possibility that it’s true. If you don’t agree with it after you’ve reflected on it for a day,let it go. It’s just one

    person’s opinion。




          本文标题:如何保持生活和提高效率之间的平衡? 2018-05-07
