『译』神奇动物在哪里  第二弹

『译』神奇动物在哪里  第二弹

作者: Yessenia_H | 来源:发表于2016-12-04 09:50 被阅读128次

英文原文摘自 JKRowling所著的〖神奇动物在哪里〗一书,由语言·翻译专栏主编南下的夏天提供

Burdock Muldoon, Chief of the Wizards’ Council in the fourteenth century, decreed that any member of the magical community that walked on two legs would henceforth be granted the status of “being,” all others to remain “beasts.”

十四世纪,巫师议会主席巴多克·穆顿(Burdock Muldoon)颁布发令,从今以后,在魔法世界中可以双足行走的生物将视作“生命”,其他的则视作“野兽”。



In a spirit of friendship he summoned all “beings” to meet with the wizards at a summit to discuss new magical laws and found to his intense dismay that he had miscalculated. The meeting hall was crammed with goblins who had brought with them as many two-legged creatures as they could find. As Bathilda Bagshot tells us in A History of Magic:

基于友谊,在每次峰会上,他都会传召所有“生命”,与巫师讨论新的魔法法,却沮丧地发现他失算了。会议大堂上挤满了哥布林和他们能找到的所有两腿生物。正如巴希达·巴沙特(Bathilda Bagshot)在『魔法史』中所说:




Little could be heard over the squawking of the Diricawls, the moaning of the Augureys, and the relentless, piercing song of the Fwoopers. As wizards and witches attempted to consult the papers before them, sundry pixies and fairies whirled around their heads, giggling and jabbering. A dozen or so trolls began to smash apart the chamber with their clubs, while hags glided about the place in search of children to eat. The Council Chief stood up to open the meeting, slipped on a pile of Porlock dung and ran cursing from the hall.



*Diricawl:渡渡鸟。详细释义摘自wikia:The Diricawl is a plump, fluffy-feathered and flightless bird. It has the ability to disappear and reappear elsewhere as a means of escaping danger. Muggles are aware of the existence of the Diricawl as a dodo (a large, extinct, flightless bird)

*Augurey:爱尔兰凤凰。详细释义摘自wikia:The Augurey, also known as the Irish Phoenix, is a thin and mournful looking bird, somewhat like a small underfed vulture in appearance, with greenish black feathers and a sharp beak.











布尔多克·马尔登,这位十四世纪巫师议会(巫师议会是魔法部的前身)议长,规定魔法世界中任何用两条腿行走的成员由此被授予“人”的地位,而所有其他成员则保持“动物”身份。他以一种友好的态度召集所有的“人”出席一次高峰会谈,与巫师会面,讨论新的魔法法律,但使他极为沮丧的是,他发现自己估计错了。会 议大厅中挤满了妖精,它们(本书中,凡对巫师和麻瓜之外的生物代词,作者一律用“它”或“它们”,这一点与“哈利·波特”系列小说中有所区别。)带来了许 许多多两条腿的动物,凡是它们能找到的都找来了。正如巴希达·巴沙特在她所著的《魔法史》中告诉我们的那样:

在一片球遁鸟粗砺的叫声、卜鸟的呻吟和弗沃普那无情刺耳的歌声中,几乎什么也听不到。当巫师们试图查阅他们面前的文件时,各种各样的小精灵和仙子在他们的头顶盘旋,咯咯怪笑,叽叽喳喳。十来个巨怪开始挥舞手中的短棒要把大厅砸碎,而女妖们在大厅里四处滑行,寻找小孩吃。那位议长站起来主持会议,可是脚在一 堆庞洛克粪上一滑,滑出了大厅。




    本文标题:『译』神奇动物在哪里  第二弹
