6. 前置词、连词和感叹词在句中的用法和解析
6.1 前置词用于与其宾语一起构成短语:例如——
(1) There is rest for the weary.
(2) Under her torn hat glowed with the wealth
Of simple beauty and [of] rustic health.s
通过前置词与宾语组成的词组用术语称为前置词短语(prepositional phrase)(这是为了区分于分词短语。)。
(1) 话语部分的名称。
(2) 指出它连接那两个单词——首先命名宾语。
Around the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran.
1. The thunders bellowed over the wide waste of waters. 一Irving.
2. A murmuring whisper through the nunnery ran.—Tennyson.
3. He goes on Sunday to the church.—Longfellow.
4. I seek divine simplicity in him
Who handles things divine.—Cowper.
5. He starts from his dream at the blast of the born. —Wilson.
6. Through all the wild October days the clash and din resounded in the
7. But on the hill the golden-rod, and the aster in the wood,
And the yellow sunflower by the brook, in autumn beauty stood. —Bryant.
8. There is a special providence in the fall of a sparrow. 一Shakespeare.
9. The paths of glory lead but to the grave.—Gray.
10. In the spring of 1493, while the court was still at Barcelona, letters were received from Christopher Columbus, announcing his return to Spain, and the successful achievement of his great enterprise, but the discovery of land beyond the western ocean.—Prescott.
6.2 连词用于连接句子与句子元素——并列连词连接相等层级的句子和元素,主从连词连接主题与其信赖成分。解析连词时,需要指出其分类和连接内容。
1. When my time was expired, I worked my passage home ; and glad I was
to see Old England again, because I loved my country.—Goldsmith.
2. Some murmur when their sky is clear,
And wholly bright to view,
If one small speck of dark appear
In their great heaven of blue. —Trench.
3. 'T was noon,(‘T = it)
And Helon knelt beside a stagnant pool
In the lone wilderness.
4. Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth unseen,
Both when we wake and when we sleep.—Milton.
6.3 感叹词简单地通过命名加以解析,它在句子中没有文法关系。
来源:<<英语文法和写作>> William Swinton,1879 年版。