3. 形容词在句中的用法和解析
3.1. 从词源上讲,形容词需要解析的内容包括——
(1) 形容词的分类——限制性(冠词,代词性形容词,或者数量形容词)和修饰性。
(2) 形容词比较程度(degree)(即比较级或最高级,如果是正向的比较忽略比较)。
(3) 形容词具体用法。
3.2. 形容词具体用法与解析
形容词的两个主要的关系:属性关系(attributive relation)和谓词关系(predicative relation)。
I. 属性关系(attributive relation)——作为属性关系使用时,将它与名词或代词紧密相连,中间没有动词将它们隔开(这种用法就称为属性用法(中文将它翻译为“定语”,个人觉得也是词不达意,从字面上看不出这个“定”是什么意思),因为这种形容词用于描述某种由名词命名对象表现出来的固有属性(attribute),或者性质(property),这种属性或者性质不是名词的判定性或断言性,而是它本身所承载的属性或性质)。例如——
(1) Now morn,her rosy steps in the eastern clime,
Advancing,sowed the earth with orient pearl.
(2) They the holy ones and weakly,
Who the cross of suffering bore.
a. 在解析这种属性形容词时,不必具体化,说形容词修饰与之关联的名词或代词就可以了。
b. 形容词有时候修饰一个已被别的形容词修饰的名词:例如,“A pretty wooden bowl.”这儿,pretty不是只与bowl有关系,也是与词组“wooden bowl”,在这样的例子中,较远的形容词可以解析为修饰名词,最近的形容词解析为复合项。
(1) Around the fire one wintry night,
The famer’s rosy children sat.
the……………确定冠词,修饰名词“farmer’s”,或者修饰复合表达式“famer’s rosy children”。
(2) I met a little cottage girl. (我遇到了一个乡村小女孩。)
little……………修饰形容词,修饰被形容词“cottage”修饰的名词“girl”,也可以说little修饰词组“cottage girl”。
(3) They the holy ones and weakly,
Who the cross of suffering bore.
(4) His opinion would have greater weight,were is supported by some arguments of the least value.
1. I am fond of loitering about country churches, and this was so delight-fully situated that it frequently attracted me. It stood on a knoll, round which a small stream made a beautiful bend, nod then wound its way through a long reach of soft meadow scenery. The church was surrounded by yew-trees, which seemed almost coeval with itself. Its tall Gothic spire shot up lightly from among them, with rooks and crows generally wheeling about it.— Washington Irving.
2.There eternal summer dwells,
And west winds with musky wing,
About the cedar'd alleys fling,
Nard and cassia's balmy smells.—Milton.
3.Three fishers went sailing away to the West.—Kingsley.
4. Rong on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean, roll ! —Byron.
5. For of all sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these一"It might have been."—Whittier.
6.Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.—Shelley.
7.Like other dull men, the king was all his life suspieious of superior people.—Thackeray.
8. And first review that long, extended plain,
And those wide groves already passed with pain.—Collins.
9. Each ivied arch and pillar lone,
Pleads haughtily for glories gone.—Byron.
10. If disastrous war should sweep our commerce from the ocean, another generation may renew It; if it exhaust our treasury,future industry may replenish it; if it desolate and lay waste our fields, still, under a new cultivation, they will grow green again, and ripen to future barvests. It were but a trifle, even if the wall of yonder Capitol were to crumble, if its lofty pillars should fall, and its gorgeous decoratlons be all covered by the dust of the valley. All these might be rebuilt. But who shall reconstruct the fabric of demolished government? Who shall rear again the well-proportioned colnmns of constitutional liberty? Who shall frame togcther the skilful architecture which unites national sovereignty with state rights, individual security, and public prosperity? No; if these columns fall, they will be raised not again. Like the Coliseum and the Parthenon, they will be destined to a mournful;a melancholy immortality. Bitterer tears, however, will flow over them than ever were shed over the monuments of Roman or Grecian art; they will be the remnants of a more glorious edifice than Greece or Rome ever saw-the edifice of
constitutional American liberty!—Webster.
II. 谓词关系(predicative relation)。——在谓词关系用法中(谓词关系用法的形容词,一定不要与谓语中与名词或代词相关联的属性形容词混淆:例如,“Here are green fields.” 一个形容词将动词的含义补充完整之后,它就是一个谓词关系形容词,并不是直接与名词或代词相连接)形容词有两种功能:
(1) 可以作为不及物动词的补语,或者及物动词被动语态的补语,所以称为谓词形容词(即将谓语的含义补充完整,或者称为补述形容词)。例如——
a. The fields are green.
b. The nation becaome powerful.
c. Mary looks cold.
d. Some men are called happy.
在这种用法中,形容词与动词的主语关联;但是这种关系是间接的;形容词,与动词一起,描述主语的条件。在解析这种用法的形容词时,应当指出,它是动词的补语,与主语相关。或者,可以简单的称为补述形容词(predicative adjective)。
(2) 可以关联及物动词的非补语(noun-complement),同时作为动词的局部补语。
a. We call the proud happy.
b. The streams whereof shall make glad the city of God.
a. The fields are green.
b. Some men are called happy.
happy………………修饰性形容词,被动动词“are called”的补语,与主语“men”相关联。
c. Leave the lily pale,and tinge the violet blue.
blue………………. 修饰性形容词,及物动词“tinge”的补语,与宾语“violet”相关。
1. The rainbow comes and goes,
And lovely is the rose ;
The moon doth with delight
Look round her when the heavens are bear;
Waters on a starry night
Are beautiful and fair.—Wordsworth.
2. "O, sir," said the good woman, "he was such a likely lad—so sweet-tem-pered, so kind to every one around him, so dutiful to his parents—Washington Irving.
3. The stately homes of England,
How beautiful they stand.—Hemans.
4. Why call ye me good?—Bible.
5. Or, If a path be dangerous known,
The danger's self is lure alone. —Scott.
6. Come when the heart beats high and warm.—Halleck.
7. Thus, from afar, each dim-discovered scene
More pleasing seems than all the past have been.—Campbell.
8. By heaven, I change
My thought, and hold thy valor light,
As that of some vain carpet—knigbt.—Scott.
来源:<<英语文法和写作>> William Swinton,1879 年版。