晨读16-20 《Speak English Like An A

晨读16-20 《Speak English Like An A

作者: Stella517 | 来源:发表于2019-10-22 07:24 被阅读0次

    Lesson 16: Bob Brings the Cookies to the Village Market

    1. but we're getting the hang of it.
    • get the hang of it. 掌握技巧=learn the rope
    1. Once you learn the ropes, it becomes second nature.
    • second nature 老习惯,第二天性。
    1. Your guess us as good as mine.
    • 我知道的和你差不多。

    Lesson 17: Carol Tells Bob the Good News

    1. you wife's cookies are selling like hotcakes!
      -sell like hotcakes=crazy, mad
    2. That's a tall order, Carol.
    • tall order 太难了,很难达到的目标或任务。
    1. Bake all night if you have to.
    • You gotta do what you gotta do.
    1. You'll be sitting pretty in a few years.
    • sit pretty, 衣食无忧。
    1. Okay, now let's stop the chitchat.
    • chitchat, 闲聊=small talk.

    Lesson 18: Everyone Bakes Cookies

    1. She's a real night owl, so she won't mind staying up late.
    • night owl夜猫子
      stay up late熬夜
    1. Nothing doing!
    • nothing doing不可能(我不会这么做的)
      no can do(我不做)
    1. We need to get the show on the road!
    • get the show on the road= get the ball rolling=hit the road

    Lesson 19: Nicole's Close Election

    1. Live with it!
    • live with it.(面对现实吧,接受它吧)
      live and let live.
    1. I'll demand a re-count on Monday and set the record straight.
    • set sth. straight= right the wrong 改正

    Lesson 20: Bob Gets an Angry Call from Carol

    1. Oh yeah? What happened?
      -oh yeah, 英文中常见的语气词



          本文标题:晨读16-20 《Speak English Like An A
