Meditating on Management via Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong

The essence of management is all about how to make good things happen with an organized effort.
——三壬甲/Monsol Young
Policy and tactics are the life ofthe Party, leading comrades at all levels must give them full attention andmust never on any account be negligent.
Policy, guideline, tactics, and regulation, all of these play a vital role in thebuilding of an organizational ideology, which also consists of the central partof breakdown of mission, vision and values. The failure of this ideologyconstruction leads to two disastrous consequences, i.e., 1) no guarantee of therealization of organizational goals; 2) failing to organize effectively.Managers at all levels constitute the backbone of building ideology, whosepsyches could never be slack or shaky, otherwise tremendous potential hazardswould be caused to the organization.
It is up to us to organize thepeople.
Any organization can be categorized into three identities, i.e., leader, organizer and member. These triple identity is neither necessarily absolute independent from each other, nor static, but rather dynamic, overlapping and changing. Figuratively speaking, the leader is flame, the member is firewood, and the organizer is the one who ignites the fire and adds firewood properly into the bonfire. The bonfire could burn more brightly, as long as the three parties collaborate well and carry out their own duties. In terms of the entire organization—bonfire, the role of leader and organizer is more critical. It is their orderly andeffective organizing that kindles the raging flames. A failure to organizemembers into an organized group will doubtless lead to the demise of theorganization, just like a bonfire with no firewood. The leader and organizer must always remember to win people over under any circumstances.
A revolution is not a dinner party,or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot beso refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous.
Any organization management is a social practice that must be confronted with numerous practical issues. Any inclination of dogmatism, overemphasis on theory and idealism will no doubt learn a harsh lesson from bitter reality. There is no such thing in a real management world that everything is ready and no risk at all. You have to make a compromise in order to make decisions and take actions in light of the conditions you are bestowed. Cast away illusions, prepare for struggle. Appropriate organizational guideline and management measures should be adopted in accordance with the requirements in different stages and contexts. In initial startup phase, it calls for the spirits of wolf and wildness; in rapid growth stage with a certain scale, standardization and institutionalization are needed; guidance of culture and values should be enhanced in a much more mature organization.