大师游戏II 156~掌控过去

大师游戏II 156~掌控过去

作者: 心水 | 来源:发表于2021-09-30 17:25 被阅读0次

今天是大师游戏第156天星期四,继续读《Dark NLP》,关于如何利用过去:

In order to get the most out of this exercise, you need to be willing to be truly honest with yourself. You need to be willing to face all of the choices you have made in life and analyze them in terms of the results they generated and the lessons you can learn from them.


In order to do this, think back to a major decision you made in your life. It could be something external, such as the choice of university to study at, or something internal, such as the choice to no longer be unhappy.


It is important that you physically write this down, as the act of doing so has been shown to help you process information on a deeper level.


After you have written down the name of the decision, write down the series of choices that you had at the time. This should include the actual decision that you made, and the range of alternative choices that you chose not to use. You should write down as many alternatives as you can, but try to think back to your actual thought process at the time, rather than imagining how you felt.


It is now time to remember the thought process you went through when making your choice. Did you try to think through the pros and cons of each option rationally? Did you go with a gut feeling? Whatever your decision making process was, write it down to the best of your ability.


Now it is time to write down the outcome of your decision. Did it go as intended? If so, what do you attribute as the critical success factors? If the decision you made did not result in your intended outcome, why was this? What could you have done differently to ensure a different outcome? Try to summarize the key lessons of every outcome - positive or negative.


By this point, you should have condensed your thought process behind each major decision, and concisely summarized the main takeaway learning points. If you do this for other major choices in your life, you will soon see patterns emerge.


You may notice that a particular method of decision making seems to result in your intended outcome being achieved. If this is the case, take some time to write down and analyze why this method of decision making achieves the results it does. Then, write down some ways which will help you to make sure you use this particular decision making process in the future.


You will often find that is the most painful parts of your past, the ones you try to keep hidden, that end up offering the most profound levels of insight. This can cause pain,immense pain even, in the short term but benefits you over the longer term.


You now have a method to learn lessons from your past. When you are able to wrap your head around this frame and take action on it, you will soon see that there is no need to regret anything that has happened in your past, as everything is a valuable learning experience.



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    本文标题:大师游戏II 156~掌控过去
