

作者: Yu_Lin | 来源:发表于2023-06-06 19:30 被阅读0次









mkdir {sra,raw,clean,align,peaks,motif,qc}
cd sra 


stringtie >= 1.3.3
samtools >= 1.3.1
cufflinks >= 2.2.1
python 2.7 (cPickle, pytabix 0.1)
R >= 3.4.1 (ggplot2, bsgenome.hsapiens.ucsc.hg38 (or genome of your choosing), Xmisc, reshape2)



conda env create -f TEProf2.yml


source activate
conda activate teprof2




conda install -c conda-forge r-devtools




>Sys.setenv(TAR = "/bin/tar")

把 bin 文件加入到 PATH

echo 'export PATH=/mnt/d/D/temp/transposable.elements/twlab-TEProf2Paper-3bb4b8d/bin:$PATH'  >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

二、下载Reference Files

Download Link hg38: External Download Link
Download Link hg19: External Download Link
Download Link mm10: External Download Link



rmsk /bar/nshah/reference/rmskhg38.bed6.gz
rmskannotationfile /bar/nshah/reference/repeatmasker_description_uniq.lst
gencodeplusdic /bar/nshah/reference/genecode_plus_hg38.dic
gencodeminusdic /bar/nshah/reference/genecode_minus_hg38.dic
focusgenes /bar/nshah/reference/oncogenes_augmented.txt
plusintron /bar/nshah/reference/gencode.v25.annotation.sorted.gtf_introns_plus_sorted.gz
minusintron /bar/nshah/reference/gencode.v25.annotation.sorted.gtf_introns_minus_sorted.gz

Required Arguments

rmsk: tabix formatted bed6 files with repeatmasker or other file that user wants to check start location for
rmskannotationfile: a tab delimitted with 3 columns: subfamily class family
gencodeplusdic: Dictionary of all gencode elements including introns and exons for the plus (+) strand
gencodeminusdic: Dictionary of all gencode elements including introns and exons for the minus (-) strand



cd /mnt/d/D/xuhonglab/singleED/NCB/bulk-seq/
prefetch -X 300GB -O ./ --option-file SRR_Acc_List.txt
ls /mnt/d/D/xuhonglab/singleED/NCB/bulk-seq/sra/SRR*/*.sra | cut -d "/" -f 10 | while read id; do (fasterq-dump --split-files -e 24 /mnt/d/D/xuhonglab/singleED/NCB/bulk-seq/sra/$id --include-technical); done


cd /mnt/d/D/xuhonglab/singleED/NCB/bulk-seq/
find . -name "*.fastq" | while read file ; do echo "trim_galore -q 25 --phred33 --length 25 -e 0.1 --stringency 4 -o ./clean "$file >> trim_galore.txt ; done ;
parallel -j 10 < trim_galore.txt

3、STAR进行比对(STAR只能在linux系统盘里运行,不能挂在mnt (占内存比较大建议一个个的运行,不建议使用并行运算Parallel))

cd /0.clear_fq/
for file in $(ls | grep _1_trimmed.fq.gz)
        echo $pre_name
STAR --runThreadN 20 --genomeDir /StarIndex \
 --runMode alignReads \
 --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM GeneCounts \
 --readFilesIn  /0.clear_fq/${pre_name}_1_trimmed.fq.gz \
 --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
 --readFilesCommand gunzip -c \
 --outSAMattrIHstart 0  \
 --outSAMstrandField intronMotif \
 --outFileNamePrefix  ${pre_name} 


cat sample.id.txt | while read id; do      
 str=`echo $sample | sed 's/ //g'`;
 cp ${arr[0]}Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam /mnt/d/D/xuhonglab/singleED/NCB/bulk-seq/motif/${str}.bam; done


cd /mnt/d/D/xuhonglab/singleED/NCB/bulk-seq/motif/
find . -name "*.bam" | while read file ;do fileid=$(echo "$file" | awk -F "/" '{print $2}'); echo "stringtie -o /mnt/d/D/xuhonglab/singleED/NCB/bulk-seq/peaks/"${fileid}".gtf "${file}" -m 100 -c 1" >> stringtie.txt ; done ;
parallel -j 10 < stringtie.txt

6、Annotate GTF Files

cd /mnt/d/D/xuhonglab/singleED/NCB/bulk-seq/peaks/
find . -name "*.gtf" | while read file ; do echo "rmskhg38_annotate_gtf_update_test_tpm.py "$file >> 1_annotationCommands.txt ; done ;
echo "(1/8) Annotate GTF Files";
parallel -j 10 < 1_annotationCommands.txt

7、对bam文件建立索引([sam view] random alignment retrieval only works for indexed BAM or CRAM files)

cd /mnt/d/D/xuhonglab/singleED/NCB/bulk-seq/motif/
find . -name "*.Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam" | while read file ;do fileid=$(echo "$file" | awk -F "/" '{print $2}'|awk -F "." '{print $1}'); mv ${file} "${fileid}".bam; done
find . -name "*.bam" | while read file ; do echo "samtools index" $file >> samtooks.txt ; done
parallel -j 10 < samtooks.txt


cd /mnt/d/D/xuhonglab/singleED/NCB/bulk-seq/eu.ec/
find . -name "*_annotated_filtered_test_all" | while read file ; do echo "annotationtpmprocess.py "$file >> 2_processAnnotationCommands.txt ; done ;
echo "(2/8) Annotate GTF Files"
parallel -j 10 < 2_processAnnotationCommands.txt
Output File(s):
(1) <gtffile>annotated_filtered_test(all)_c

Three additional columns are made: (1) Maximum coverage of gene of interest (2) Maximum tpm of gene of interest (3) Total of gene of interest. Note: For those transcripts that are from a TE but do not splice into a gene, these stats will be compared across all the transcripts like this. Thus the fraction will be very low.


echo "(3/8) Aggregate Annotations"
aggregateProcessedAnnotation.R -e "Ec"
Options with Defaults:
-e <ext_treatment> (default: ''): The label in the treatment file names that will identify them. If there is not a treatment versus untreated experimental design, the default will call everything as treatment.
-l <exon 1 length max> (default: 2588): The maximum length of exon 1. We are using the 99th percentile of gencode v25 transcripts
-s <exon skipping max> (default: 2): Based on genomic contamination, assembly can create transcripts that have intron retention. These could be real, but oftentimes these look like noise. A maximum level of 2 is recommended.
-n <sample total min> (default: 1): Minimum number of samples that must have a candidate for it to be considered. With low number of samples 1 is recommended. For larger studies this can be increased.
-t <treatment total min> (default: 0): In case the user would like to only consider candidates that are present in a certain number of treatment samples.
-x <treatment exclusive> (default: no): In case the user would like a maximum for the untreated samples. This could be if the user wants to only consider treatment-exclusive samples. In that case, the user should put yes instead of no.
-k <keep none> (default: no): There can be transcripts from TEs that have splicing, but do not end up splicing into a gene. By default these are removed. This can be changed to yes if the user would like to look at these.
-f <filter for TEs> (default: yes): Repeatmasker files include many repeats besides TE. This could be an interesting benchmark to compare to, but by default they are removed. The user can specify no if they would like to keep these. NOTE: Currently does not work with downstream steps if filter is set to No.
-a <argument file> (default: <directory of pipeline>/arguments.txt): The arguments.txt file location. By default, the arguments.txt file that is in the rnapipeline directory will be used. If another is desired for use then the fullpath of the file can be specified.
Output File(s):
(1) filter_combined_candidates.tsv: A file with every TE-gene transcript. This file is used for calculating read information in subsequent steps.
(2) initial_candidate_list.tsv: A summary of filter_combined_candidates.tsv for each unique candidate. Also lists the treatment and untreated files that the candidate is present in.
(3) Step4.RData: Workspace file with data loaded from R session. Subsequent steps load this to save time.

This step will give ALL assembled transcripts. Assembly is very noisy, and thus the output of this step will have a high false positive rate. Filtering based on tpm or fraction of tpm can help. It is reccomended that the user looks at initial_candidate_list.tsv and assures that the candidates are in the format that they desire.

Calculate Read Information

It is recommended that candidates are confirmed using read information. We have found this to greatly increase the specificity of the pipeline since assembly can make many errors especially without a reference.
We have developed a fast parser using samtools and bedtools to be able to get read information. There are separate programs for either single and or paired end reads. The only argument needed is the path of the bam files.

Bam files should be sorted by position and indexed for this to work. Bam file naems should be the same as the gtf files that were the oriignal input for the pipeline except the extention is different. It is recommended that paired-end reads are used. Single-end performance is not as robust.

cd /mnt/d/D/xuhonglab/singleED/NCB/bulk-seq/eu.ec/
mkdir filterreadstats
commandsmax_speed_se.py filter_combined_candidates.tsv ../motif/
#双端测序采用这个命令commandsmax_speed.py filter_combined_candidates.tsv ../motif/
echo "(4/8) Filter based on Reads"
parallel -j 10 < filterreadcommands_se.txt
find ./filterreadstats -name "*.stats" -type f -maxdepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 -n128 -P1 grep -H e > resultgrep_filterreadstatsdone.txt
cat resultgrep_filterreadstatsdone.txt | sed 's/\:/\t/g' > filter_read_stats.txt

Output File(s):

(1) read_filtered_candidates.tsv: A file with every TE-gene transcript. This file is used for calculating read information in subsequent steps.
(2) candidate_transcripts.gff3: A GFF3 formatted file of all the unique TE-gene transcripts detected. This can be viewed on a genome viewer to see what candidates look like. This is used in subsequent steps.
(3) Step6.RData: Workspace file with data loaded from R session. Subsequent steps load this to save time.
Remove step 4 session data that is no longer needed.


gffread -E candidate_transcripts.gff3 -T -o candidate_transcripts.gtf
echo candidate_transcripts.gtf > cuffmergegtf.list
mkdir merged_asm_full
cuffmerge -o ./merged_asm_full -g /mnt/d/D/linux/genome/gencode-h/gencode.v42.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.gtf cuffmergegtf.list
mv ./merged_asm_full/merged.gtf reference_merged_candidates.gtf
gffread -E reference_merged_candidates.gtf -o- > reference_merged_candidates.gff3
echo "(5/8) Annotate Merged Transcripts"
rmskhg38_annotate_gtf_update_test_tpm_cuff.py reference_merged_candidates.gff3

Output File(s):
(1) reference_merged_candidates.gff3_annotated_test_all
(2) reference_merged_candidates.gff3_annotated_filtered_test_all <(Final List of all TE-gene transcripts)
(3) reference_merged_candidates.gff3_annotated_test*
(4) reference_merged_candidates.gff3_annotated_filtered_test

We recommend users to view the reference_merged_candidates.gff3 on a genome browser to confirm that the merged transcript file has the expected candidates. The user can map transcripts back to their annotation using the transcript ID and confirm proper identification.


find ../motif/ -name "*bam" | while read file ; do xbase=${file##*/}; echo "samtools view -q 255 -h "$file" | stringtie - -o "${xbase%.*}".gtf -e -b "${xbase%.*}"_stats -p 2 --fr -m 100 -c 1 -G reference_merged_candidates.gtf" >> quantificationCommands.txt ; done ;
echo "(6/8) Transcript Quantification"
parallel -j 10 < quantificationCommands.txt

Options with Defaults:
-f <merged gtf annotation file> (default: reference_merged_candidates.gff3_annotated_filtered_test_all): Reference transcript file to be processed. Default will work if all the previous steps have been done as described with the same names.
Output File(s):
(1) candidate_introns.txt: A large one-line string with all intron locations. This is used in susequent steps to extract intron read information
(2) candidate_names.txt: The trnascript names for all candidate transcripts that are left
(3) Step10.RData: Workspace file with data loaded from R session. Subsequent steps load this to save time.
Remove step 6 session data that is no longer needed.

处理stringtie transcript注释文件,获取相关信息并进行汇总

(Th stringtie output needs to be formmated into a table, and thus we have a few helper scripts and bash commands to make these tables.)

ls ./*stats/i_data.ctab > ctab.txt
cat ctab.txt | while read ID ; do fileid=$(echo "$ID" | awk -F "/" '{print $2}'| awk -F "_" '{print $1}'); cp $ID ./${fileid}_i_data.ctab; done;

find . -name "*i_data.ctab" > ctab_i.txt
cat ctab_i.txt | while read ID ; do fileid=$(echo "$ID" | awk -F "/" '{print $2}'); cat <(printf 'chr\tstrand\tstart\tend\t'${fileid/_stats/}'\n') <(grep -f candidate_introns.txt $ID | awk -F'\t' '{ print $2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6 }') > ${ID}_cand ; done ;

cat <(find . -name "*i_data.ctab_cand" | head -1 | while read file ; do cat $file | awk '{print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4}' ; done;) > table_i_all

find . -name "*i_data.ctab_cand" | while read file ; do paste -d'\t' <(cat table_i_all) <(cat $file | awk '{print $5}') > table_i_all_temp; mv table_i_all_temp table_i_all; done ;

ls ./*stats/t_data.ctab > ctablist.txt

cat ctablist.txt | while read file ; do echo "stringtieExpressionFrac.py $file" >> stringtieExpressionFracCommands.txt ; done;

echo "(7/8) Transcript Quantification比较耗时间2小时"
parallel -j 24 < stringtieExpressionFracCommands.txt

ls ./*stats/t_data.ctab_frac_tot > ctab_frac_tot_files.txt
ls ./*stats/t_data.ctab_tpm > ctab_tpm_files.txt

cat <(echo "TranscriptID") <(find . -name "*ctab_frac_tot" | head -1 | while read file ; do sort $file | awk '{print $1}' ; done;) > table_frac_tot
cat ctab_frac_tot_files.txt | while read file ; do fileid=$(echo "$file" | awk -F "/" '{print $2}') ; paste -d'\t' <(cat table_frac_tot) <(cat <(echo ${fileid/_stats/}) <(sort $file | awk '{print $2}')) > table_frac_tot_temp; mv table_frac_tot_temp table_frac_tot; done ;

cat <(echo "TranscriptID") <(find . -name "*ctab_tpm" | head -1 | while read file ; do sort $file | awk '{print $1}' ; done;) > table_tpm
cat ctab_tpm_files.txt | while read file ; do fileid=$(echo "$file" | awk -F "/" '{print $2}') ; paste -d'\t' <(cat table_tpm) <(cat <(echo ${fileid/_stats/}) <(sort $file | awk '{print $2}')) > table_tpm_temp; mv table_tpm_temp table_tpm; done ;

cat <(head -1 table_frac_tot) <(grep -Ff candidate_names.txt table_frac_tot) > table_frac_tot_cand
cat <(head -1 table_tpm) <(grep -Ff candidate_names.txt table_tpm) > table_tpm_cand



finalStatisticsOutput.R -e "Eu"

Output File(s):

(1) All TE-derived Alternative Isoforms Statistics.xlsx: A file with the final statistics calculated for each candidate. There is also data on the gene expression in both groups (treatment and normal), fraction of gene expression (treatment and normal), the number of reads to main splicing intron (treatment and normal), and treatment enrichment.

The Treatment Count and Normal Count columns are calculated based on the number of files in which the candidate passes the thresholds set on fraction of expression, total gene expression, and number of reads spanning the main splicing intron. The final table has all the data used for this, so the user can try using different thresholds to optimize candidate presence based on their data.

(2) allCandidateStatistics.tsv: file with gene expression, fraction expression, transcript expression, and intron junction read information across all the samples for all the candidates.
(3) Step11_FINAL.RData: Workspace file with data loaded from R session. Can be loaded by user to save time to do more advanced analysis.
Remove old RData, the final one will have all data from previous ones.




