

作者: 步行千里lucky | 来源:发表于2020-03-09 23:30 被阅读0次



With the change of the times and the innovation of modern education reform, the standardized writing of Chinese characters has become the focus of public attention. The early years of primary school, as the starting point of compulsory education, have an important historical mission, which is a golden period to standardize students'writing and a critical period to lay the foundation. On the premise of following the rules of handwriting teaching, in view of the characteristics of the lower grade students, it is necessary to explore new teaching forms to promote the development of handwriting teaching. The enhancement of hands-on writing ability can play its role more effectively. At present, in the process of writing teaching, teachers use modern teaching means to replace their own writing demonstration and explanation, and use electronic manuscript to replace the phenomenon of writing with pen, which is difficult to cultivate students'interest in writing. Combining with the educational reform and development of the times, we neglect the writing teaching itself, which needs the combination of practice and theory to achieve the teaching effect. The strict standard writing teaching becomes the matter which the present time brooks no delay must solve. The innovation writing teaching method, stimulates the student to write the interest, through consummates the corresponding examination appraisal mechanism to optimize the teacher's teaching effect and so on, fundamentally strengthens the teacher to the writing teaching value. This article through to the elementary school low grade writing teaching question carries on the research discussion, analyzes the solution strategy.



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