The asthma

作者: 孤独时代的Fernando | 来源:发表于2019-03-20 19:51 被阅读0次

I got asthma when I even cant not remember things,and it has been more than 20 years.

As me asthma is both friend and enemy of me,it torments me,yet it helps me.

Everytime I suddenly wake at deep night,everytime I can hardly breathe I hate it just like I hate myself.

I want to be a runner running in the wind embrace the aroma of every season.Yet,asthma disillusioned my plan.

Although I konw I am fighter I am warrior,I frustrate due to asthma,whatever,I regard it as the booby trap from God.

I am still ambitious,I am still confident!


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    本文标题:The asthma
