When I read the first chapter of the book(if not latter,when),i couldn't understand the title CAllMeBy Your Name quite well.In my previous piece,I thought it was a sign of reaching out,to find someone to "worship",to look up to,to admire and appreciate his body.
However,after further reading ,I gradually come to realize what the title really means.What makes me fiddle with it is that the title is Call me by YOUR name.Not call me by my name.

But why is that?In Elio's heart,I think he is looking for a shade or imitation of himself.
As he discovers and runmmages him,he finds that they have many similarities.They are both jewish and bisexual.He tries to link himeself with Oliver,to find something only he and O can communicate about.It is like a certain kind of morse code,which is unique as well as private.In this tiny little space he feels safe and sound ,because in some ways ,he can finally own him.
If Oliver is only an imitation of a grown-up Elio,thenI think the romantic story won't happen.Oliver is ,indeed,a perfect Elio after many years.He had something that Elio longs for but cant get.In Elio's eye,he is witty,unfazed,confident,spontaneous,and sagacious.I think he is like a life model to Elio.
Just go back to Callme by your name.It is a sentence quoted from Elio's words.All in all,he wants to be like him,to be called by his name,to mold into him as a combination.