

作者: 小饼干310 | 来源:发表于2022-03-19 00:00 被阅读0次



What are some ways to change your right brain? You can do it backwards.


For example, to draw a portrait, direct painting is not like, painting bad, you can turn the portrait upside down after copy. Upside down, the image and common appearance is not the same, this time copying, did not learn to paint people can copy a very similar portrait.


Just will the portrait upside down, looks at the portrait the angle to be different, will have the different effect.


Upside-down thinking, also in the expression of a different perspective on things, but more specific expression.


In normal standing, when we look straight ahead, we first see the head of the other person, and then, depending on the movement of the gaze (such as Down) , we see what shirt he is wearing, what pants he is wearing, and what shoes he is wearing.


But what do you see when you stand on your head while everyone else walks and stands the same way?


First the feet, then slowly looking up, noticing what pants he was wearing, what shirt he was wearing, and finally who he was. In reverse order of what you see when you stand up. It's a new way of looking at things.


From who he is to what he wears to what he is.


In solving a problem, you can use this kind of upside down thinking to look at the problem from another angle. Think about the question in reverse, or think about what I would do if I were the other person.


Think about problems in reverse, such as "what to do if the other person doesn't like to talk", think about problems in reverse, "under what circumstances do people like to talk", and open your mind to changing the problem from an individual person to a whole, it's easier to find out.


Think about what I would do if I were the other person, not only putting myself in the other person's shoes, but also thinking in the other person's shoes.


From a different perspective, in addition to knowing what the other person sees and what information they have, it's important to think in terms of the other person's way of thinking, what the other person will think if they have the same information, what do I have to think to find the aberration.


We often say, look at the problem from a different angle, actually how to change, where to change, pointing is not clear. The next time you think about thinking differently, think about doing a headstand, which is a bit more concrete.


The introduction of the inverted painting, if you have not tried, you can try to harvest a "originally I draw well," the joy. "d."


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