

作者: 谁不可 | 来源:发表于2020-10-30 08:54 被阅读0次

Miyazaki said:

If a person loves you, no matter what, he will come to you, no matter how bad the words, quarrel, delete how many times, he will not let go.

I don't know since when, we no longer frequent chat, no longer share daily with each other. The old man said: this is the beginning of the end, I moved the idea of leaving you, not because you are poor, not because you do not love you, but you give me the attitude, let me feel, your world is not short of me.

Make for a long time just found that I love is before you, to later just know that I can not put down is that period of love, but not you.

I'm not sorry for you in this relationship. I give all my heart and enthusiasm. I give what I should not give.

But I'm sorry for myself, I lost happiness and early sleep...


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  • 4.14



