11月晨读复盘–Goodbye, Mr. Chips

11月晨读复盘–Goodbye, Mr. Chips

作者: 弼马温_2a0d | 来源:发表于2018-11-28 11:53 被阅读3次



1. get on in years: (字典上没有查到)年纪渐老

When you are getting on in years, you get very sleepy at times, and the hours seem to pass like lazy cattle moving across the landscape.

at times: sometimes

2. call-over: 点名

3. Greenwich time: 格林尼治时间

4. high-pitched: 声音尖锐的

5. wound up the clock 注意wound的读音

6. Rarely did he read more than a page of it before sleep came swiftly and peacefully, more like a mystic intensifying of perception than any changeful entrance into another world.

倒装句, 这个句型经常用哦

7. recollection 美[ˌrɛkəˈlɛkʃən] 注意读音  n. 回忆,追忆; 往事; 回忆录; [宗] 冥想;

8. ..., you are going to die a really natural death

He died young.

He died a hero.

He died a nobody.

9. put in for 申请

10. Brookfield was playing Barnhurst. A is playing B A和B比赛

11. I-er-gather that discipline was not always your strong point at Melbury?

gather: think, suppose

strong point: 强项 strong suit, forte

12. Take up a firm attitude from the beginning

take up a challenge

13. ordeal

14. legitimate 注意发音

15. implacable 无休止的

生活大爆炸  relentless, implacable badgering

16. ...; the scowl he assumed to : put on

17. ..., you have a hundred lines. 罚写

18. hats off to sb, pat on the back

19. Nice to meet you. 首次见面

Nice meeting you. 离别时说的话

20. walnut cake 核桃蛋糕

21.  keep watch 固定用法

22. spoonful, mouthful 是名词

23. And Chips also would be making his comments- to Mrs. Wickett when she ....


24. Will you be wanting anything else, sir? 进行时态、过去时态语气委婉

I wonder...

I am wondering...

I was wondering...

25. He was not, despite his long years of assiduous teaching,...

当并不想表达强烈的转折的意味时,however, despite这类表转折的词可以放在句中或句尾。

26. So there he lived, at Mrs. Wickett's, with his.... 在...家

27. legible script 字迹清晰的

28. He had new masters to tea, as well as new boys.

as well as 和and不一样,强调的是前面的部分,and是并列平行关系

29. Quite a character

quite a read


30. which was being taken up by women  : 被喜欢

31. relish: enjoy

32. ..., filled him with horror.

33.  it was a hard job getting him down

i'm having a hard time hearing you. 我听不到你说话

34. ..., and as she considered herself responsible for Chip's accident,...

35. ..., she used to bicycle along the side of the lake... bicycle这里是动词

36. ... and wonder which one it was that hat performed so signal a service. 冠词后置

或者so, too, that 后面跟名词形容词时,冠词后置,参见Eric的微信推文

37. It would be all right, of course, her coming to Brookfield;


Your taking part in Phonomicy English is a good thing

38. What do you see in her? 你看中她哪里了?

I do love you for saying simple things like that.

39. ineligibility 注意发音,两种都可以

40. gem-clear 玉石一样的清楚


another memory gem-clear

41. self-depreciating 自黑

depreciate 贬值

ambitious 注意重音

42. thoroughly 注意发音

43. mock test 模考

mock interview 模拟面试

44. For his marriage was triumphant success. Katherine conquered Brookfield as she had conquered Chips; She was immensely popular with boys and masters alike. alike的用法

注意triumphant 的重音

45.  cello 美[ˈtʃeloʊ]

46. trio 三重奏,三人组

duo 二人组

47. And so it stood,... 不及物动词


You filled a comfortable niche in my mind.

48. scampering 蹦蹦跳跳的

49. ..., her creamy arm (was) sweeping over the brown sheen of the instrument


50. blunder 严重错误 howler滑稽可笑的错误

51. advice 不可数名词

52. 注意after all的读音 all

53.  try doing 和 try to do的区别

54. leniency 心慈手软

But she had not always pleaded for leniency. On rather rare occasions she urged severity where Chips was inclined to be forgiving." I don't like his type, Chips. He's too cocksure for himself. If he's looking for trouble I should certainly let him have it."

plead 恳求

act the cute

55. treasure, better, pride 都可以当动词使用

56.  "Please, sir, may I have the afternoon off? " 下午请见

"Can I miss Chapel, too, sir?" 不去教堂

57. “You can go to blazes for all I care.”


58. he kicked open the door. kicked the door open

he cut open the watermelon.

He tore them open.

59. ..., but each contained nothing but a blank sheet of paper. nothing but 用来强调

His English is nothing but phynominion.

60. ..., but the Head persuaded him otherwise.

otherwise 的用法要查,让我们的表述更简洁。

Some people believe..., others think otherwise.

61. Just as marriage had added something, so did bereavement.

Just as..., so...

Just as the body needs regular exercise, so too an engine needs to be run at regular intervals.

Just, too都可以省略

62. overhear 无意听见

Hi, guys, I overheard your conversation, you talking about ....

63. not half bad = pretty good 还不错

“Not half bad for an old chap like him.”

64. Too old at fifty- why, fellows like that are too young at fifty.

why 在这里是个语气词




    本文标题:11月晨读复盘–Goodbye, Mr. Chips
