赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 021 I Don't

赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 021 I Don't

作者: UncleBryan | 来源:发表于2018-04-23 06:09 被阅读0次

    I. Reading 阅读

    I don't know anyone at this party. There's a strange man. He has a big nose and small ears. I don't know him. There are two women. They're wearing glasses. I don't know them, either.
    There is a cute young girl, she has long hair and fair skin. She's dancing with someone. I like her, but everyone else does, too.


    II. Vocabulary&ldioms 单词短语注解

    1. know [no] vt.认识
      例: Do you know the way to my house?
    2. anyone ['ɛnɪ'wʌn] pron.任何一个人
      例: Does anyone want an orange?
    3. party ['pɑrti] n.宴会,(社交性或娱乐性的)聚会
    4. strange [strendʒ] a.陌生的;奇怪的
      例: Tim's girlfriend has a strange voice.
    5. big [bɪɡ] a.大的
    6. nose [noz] n.鼻子
    7. small [smɔl] a.小的
    8. ear [ɪr] n.耳朵
    9. women ['wɪmɪn] n.女人(复数)
      woman ['wʊmən] n.女人(单数)
      one woman 一个女人
      two women 两个女人
    10. wear [wɛr] vt.穿,戴(帽子、耳环、鞋子、衣服、皮带等任何穿戴在身上的东西)
      例: I like to wear jeans.
    11. glasses ['glæsɪz] n. 眼镜
      例: a piece of glass 一片玻璃
      two pieces of glass两片玻璃
      a glass 一只玻璃杯
      two glasses两只玻璃杯
      例: a pair of glasses副眼镜
      two pairs of glasses两副眼镜
    12. cute [kjʊt] a.可爱的
      例: Everybody likes cute children.
    13. young [jʌŋ] a. 年轻的
      例: The young man is very polite.
    14. long [lɔŋ] a.长的
      例: John likes girls with long hair.
    15. fair [fɛr] a. (皮肤)内哲的
      本文的fair专指皮肤的白皙,此处不可用white(白的)来取代。因为white skin是指白种人的白皮肤。
    16. skin [skɪn] n.皮肤(不可数)
    17. dance [dæns] vi.跳舞
      例: Do you know how to dance?
    18. someone ['sʌmwʌn] pron.某个人
    19. else [ɛls] adv.另外,别的(置于everybody、somebody、nobody 之 后 )
      everybody else 其他每个人
      = everyone else
      somebody else 另外一个人
      =someone else
      nobody else 没有其他的人
      =no one else
      例: I like my teacher, but everyone else doesn't.
      Sorry? I can't help you. Please ask someone else.
      James smokes, but no one else in the office.

    III. Grammar Points 语法重点

    I don't know anyone at this party.
    a. 句中有be动词时,not置于该be动词之后。
    例: He is intelligent. (肯定)
    He is not intelligent. ( 否定 )
    = He isn't intelligent.
    b. 句中有助动词如can(能够)、will(将要)。
    例: He will come today. ( 肯定 )
    He will not come today. ( 否定 )
    = He won't come today.
    The boy can sing. ( 肯定 )
    The boy cannot sing. ( 否 定 )
    =The boy can't sing.
    用时,则仍为will not、may not、must not。
    c. 句中只有一般动词而无be动词或助动词时,应先在主语之后按人称变化分置助动词do或does,再加not,原来的动词均改为动词原形。
    例: She loves David. (肯定)

    She does not love David. ( 否定 )
    =She doesn't love David.
    例: They like music. (肯定)
    ( 他们喜欢音乐。)
    此时主语They为第三人称复数代词,故They之后应置 do,再加not,like的原形仍为like,即
    They do not like music. ( 否定 )
    = They don't like music.

    1. anyone/someone 任何一个人/某个人
      例: I don't know anybody in the classroom.(否定)
      There isn't anybody in the room. ( 否定 )
      Does anyone know the answer? ( 疑问 )
      Can anybody do it?(疑问)
      There is someone there. ( 肯定 )
      Somebody is talking to Mary.(肯定)
      例: Anybody can answer the question.
      If he can do it, anyone can.

    IV. Substitution 替换

    1. He has a big nose and small ears.
      He has a round face and a big mouth
      She has a thin face and round eyes.
    2. They're wearing glasses.
      He's wearing a yellow suit.
      She's wearing a purple hat.


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          本文标题:赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 021 I Don't
