

作者: Lixing5000 | 来源:发表于2022-05-27 14:21 被阅读0次


1. 小帕-游戏人生:活得精彩活得开心,走得稳,走得远

2. LWC-糯米糍:人生如白驹过隙,如果从来没有得到过有价值的东西,又怎能体会失去的惋惜,虽然享受不到丈母娘的糯米糍,可以享受现在太太的糖醋排骨,你有没有享受你的糯米糍呢?珍惜当下的主题。

3. WQY-起床了-3,花痴公主:包容对方的缺点

4. WDZ-放手 我讨厌你为我安排的课程,讨厌学校,讨厌这个家,我要去国外读书。女儿离开后,买鞋子,喝咖啡吃蛋糕,想的都是女儿,到了女儿房间看到一封信:感谢爸爸安排的一切。放不下自己不能实现的东西。现在每周和女儿视频,多了解,多聆听,放手,才能帮到他们。

5. FD-转念之力-2:朋友电话失恋了,需要她的超能能力。显胖不算胖,后胖压倒炕。爸妈对话,100%支持她的爸爸。焦虑的娘和淡定的爹。不要把眼睛总看到黑暗的地方,看到正面的事情。人生是1%发生在你身上,99%你对事情的看法,朋友们,看向向阳之处,开启你的转念之力,等待人生的柳暗花明。

6. DJQ-咸鱼: 朋友们,你有梦想吗?没有梦想,和咸鱼有什么区别。从小没有梦想,作文《我的梦想》写不出,写完这篇作文就是我的梦想。大学的一门课,创业入门,为了考试简单,得高分参加这门课,你怎么可以没有梦想,没有梦想是不行的,这门课得A。工作当老师以后,看到同事老林教得特别好。询问之后发现老林也没有梦想,竟然说出了别人对我说的话:你怎么可以没有梦想,没有梦想是不行的。咸鱼鸡粒炒饭。有梦想很好,如果没有,请记住,没有咸鱼的咸鱼鸡粒炒饭就不是咸鱼鸡粒炒饭,在你的岗位上做好你自己,平凡而伟大。

7. HBB-迟到竟然是好事:允许孩子犯错,确保犯错的过程是积极享受,成长阶段多试错,未来人生少犯错。


International Speech Contest

1. Sewing put comfort in your hand. Your small act of service put so much comfort in your heart. Stitch by Stich, your small act of service can turn sad face into smile. 故事太小,不够深刻打动人

2. Start with Harry potter's Broom question. If you pick up your broom, you can fight yourself. Mary Mary so scary. Bully story, her Day's story. When you first give a bully, they will bully again. If you pick my bike, I will fight. Boss Amy want a free assitant and refuse to give her exam on operating machine. My courage is my broom. Expand bully concept to difficulties in our life, quarantine becasue of covid, there are many forms of bully in your life. Be courage to pick up your broom and fight. 

3-1. Imossible is a diease. 21 graduated in top school, 9 months jobless, 22 master degree, girl friend get promotion to HK. I don't deserve her, I let her go. She is gone, my lief is imposible. My dad's story: my promise create possiblity and give my wife a comfort life. I was a man in a mission, 25 years old, promoted, four time in 3 years, feel emplty. One way ticket to HK to find girl friend. Promise create a better me.that promise is to marry you. Promise turn darkenss into light. 

4-2. Very vivid story about first love. Be kind to yourself and others, even they may not dersve it. A story in a restanrant, the waiter spoil the coffee on her dress. She said: I need a new excuse to buy a new dress, with a big tip. Tears in waiter, it's his first day back to work thank you for saving my job. That kind can ease the mind. Choose to be kind is the way out. 

5. only 21 in hospital, overwork myslef and die with cancer? paying debt and work, need a pause. Chrismas become a tradition to pause, winter wonderland, count down and have a pause in 20 years. Then busy life again, wife ask for 10 min break and wonder what we can do next, make me more alive. Think about what makes you alive, go and do, beter relations, dream come true, make our live alive. pause and wonder. 

6. Plant the seed to build confidence, take the root in your heart. Very sweet story about parenting. When her baby spill milk, she said it's not your fault, first time scucess, second time anger with fail. Play build blocks game purposefully and demostrate fail and try.  

7-3. Very vivid MC experience. Mentally prepared for emergence, we are MC of our life. 

8. Interesting life journy, US airforce wife, professor. Find the goal in it. The change starts with you and me and every one. Change the word and change the outcome. 

Contest chair's speech is very inspiring to highlight the challenges behine the scence. 

Champion's comments: You can't do it alone. One fighter won't win, broght a team with me. Hope all of you to use the contest stage to create the communication your want to communicate. 



