

作者: 柠檬一小颗 | 来源:发表于2017-04-21 09:37 被阅读42次

TURKEY matters not just for its size, but also as a bellwether of the political forces shaping the world.For centuriesit was the seat of a great empire.Today, as a frontier state, it must cope with the violence spewing out of war-ravaged Syria; it is a test case of whether democracy canbe reconciled withpolitical Islam; and it mustnavigatebetween Western liberalism and the authoritarian nationalismepitomised by Russia. In recent years underRecep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey has gone backwards. This weekend it can begin to put that right.

bellwether /ˈbɛlˌwɛðə/ N-COUNT an indication of the way a situation is changing.征兆;风向标

•IBM is considered the bellwether stock on Wall Street. IBM的股票行情被认为是华尔街股市的风向标。

Spew:[I always + adv/prep, T](使)喷出,(使)涌出

•Factory chimneys spewed fumes out into the sky.工厂的烟囱向空中喷吐浓烟。

[+ from/into/over etc]•Brown waterspewed from the tap.褐色的水从龙头里喷了出来。

2.[I always + adv/prep, T]发泄;破口大骂:•Groups like these use the Internet to spew racial hatred.像这类团体会使用因特网来发泄种族仇恨。

3.[I,T] informal to vomit【非正式】呕吐

ravage /'rævidʒ/n.1.蹂躏;破坏;劫掠2.[常用复数]劫掠(或破坏)后的残迹;创伤;灾难

vt., vi.(使)蹂躏;破坏;劫掠;毁灭:My native village was ravaged seriously in the war.我的故乡在战争中受到严重的蹂躏。

reconcile ['rekənsaɪl] v.1.[T]使和谐一致;调和;协调:•The possibility remains that the two theories may be reconciled.这两种理论仍是有可能协调的。

reconcile sth with sth:•Bevan tried to reconcile British socialism with a wider international vision.比万试图用更广阔的国际视野来协调英国的社会主义。

2.be reconciled (with sb)(与某人)和解,(与某人)和好

epitomize /ɪˈpɪtəˌmaɪz/ V-T为…的典型;为…的代表


On April 16thTurks will vote in a referendumover whether toabandon their parliamentary system for an executive presidency. A Yes is likely, but far from certain. There is nothing wrong with a strong president, but Turkey’s new constitution goes too far. The country would end up with a 21st-century sultan minimally curbed by parliament.A Yes would condemnTurkey to the elected dictatorship of President Erdogan.A No might just let Turks constrain him.


condemn:FORCE TO DO STH强迫做某事force them tolive in an unpleasant way or to do something unpleasant迫使〔某人〕处于不幸的境地;迫使〔某人〕做不愿做的事

condemn sb to (do) sth:•peoplecondemned to a life of poverty 被迫过贫穷生活的人

Authority figure 权威人物

After Mr Erdogan came to power in 2003, he and his AK party did a lot that was good. Encouraged by the IMF, he tamed inflation and ushered ineconomic growth. Encouraged by the EU,he tackled the cabal of military officers and bureaucratsin the “deep state”, strengthened civil liberties andtalked peace withthe Kurds. He also spoke up for working-class religious conservatives,who had been locked out of powerfor decades.

* 在维基百科上专门有一个词条,Thedeep state(loosely synonymous with theshadow governmen to permanent government) is in contrast to the public structures whichappearto be directing individualnation states. The deep state is an intensely secretive, informal, fluid network ofdeep politicianswho conspire to amplify their influence over national governments through a variety ofdeep state milieux. The phrase "deep state" derives from theTurkish"derin devlet", which emerged after the1996Susurluk incidentso dramatically unmasked theTurkish deep state. It has experienced asurge of use in 2017, though often not in keeping with the meaning attributed by thediplomat who coined the phrase. 对于这个词,我个人的理解是各种暗深政治势力集团,类似于影子政府,意图密谋扩大影响,颠覆现有政权。


But today Turkey is beset by problems. In the shadow of the Syrian civil war, jihadists and Kurdish militants are waging campaigns against the state. Last summer the army attempted a coup—probably organised by supporters of an American based cleric, Fethullah Gulen,who had penetrated the bureaucracy,judiciary and army in their tens of thousands.The economy, once a strength, is growing slowly, plagued by cronyism, poor management and a collapse in tourism.

背景资料: 居兰运动在谱系上属于主张公民伊斯兰的“努尔库运动”,创立者为伊斯兰教育学者法图拉・居兰。20世纪70年代,居兰开始着手建立自己的宗教团体,吸引了一批坚定的支持者。20世纪90年代,居兰运动开始在中亚国家开设国际学校,影响力扩散至国外。埃尔多安的正发党和居兰运动在内政、外交上的分歧也不断增多,并最终分道扬镳。土耳其政府用立法手段认定“居兰运动”为恐怖组织,要求美国遣返居兰,甚至派律师赴美起诉居兰。2016年夏天,土耳其军方政变未遂,有指示居兰运动的支持者所为,埃尔多安对政届、教育界、司法界和军队进行了大清洗。


Mr Erdogan argues that, to put this right, Turkey needs a new constitution that will generate political stability. He says that only a strong president cangalvanisethe state and see off its enemies.Naturally,he is talking about himself.


The new constitution embodiesthe “illiberal democracy”of nationalists such as Viktor Orban of Hungary and Vladimir Putin of Russia, to whom Mr Erdogan is increasingly compared.On this view,election winners take all, constraints are obstacles to strong government and the ruling party has a right to subvert institutions, such as the judiciary and the press.


Yet this kind of stability is hollow. The most successful democracies make a point of separating powers andslowing governments down. The guiding idea of the American constitution is to stop presidents from acting as if they were monarchs,by building in checks and balances. Even the British prime minister,untrammelledby a written constitution, has to submit herself to the courts, a merciless press and a weekly grilling in Parliament, broadcast live.

hollow这个词作为形容词使用,意味. 空的;中空的,空腹的;凹的;虚伪的。我个人觉得用得比较精妙。

checks and balances,亦称三权分治,是西方民主国家的基本政治制度的建制原则。

submit...to 提交;向…提出;. 服从,屈服;使……受到。用于句中,指的是英国首相也必须服从法庭的约束。

grilling[ 'griliŋ ]

n.cooking by direct exposure to radiant heat (as over a fire or under a grill) 炙烤、引申为拷问、质询。


Turkey is especially ill-suited to winner-takes-all government. It is divided between secular, religious and nationalist citizens, as well as Turks, Kurds, Alevis and a few remaining Greeks, Armenians and Jews. If the religious-conservative near-majority try toshut outeveryone else, just as they were once shut out, Turkey will never be stable.

ill-suited 用的很好,意思是不适合。




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