

作者: 教书匠阿伦 | 来源:发表于2019-06-16 09:28 被阅读1次

1. Exceeding the Maximum Weight Limit行李超重

Be sure to give yourself enough time to pack properly, take a few minutes to work out things you’re actually likely to need – clothes, books, sports kits – and don’t be tempted to throw it all in, ‘just in case’. Finally, before you leave the house make sure you weigh your case so you know it’s not over the limit – a set of bathroom scales is probably the easiest way to do this.


2. Making Bad Use of Space最大程度利用空间

Pack any liquids or toiletries in a waterproof container or plastic bag in case of leaks, and cushion by packing softer items around the outside. Have a go at rolling your clothes instead of folding, to lessen creases and create more room so you don’t overfill your case and risk it bursting.


3. Restricted Items违禁物品

Check out the list of restricted or prohibited items for the country you’re travelling to and don’t pack any of these things – unless you want to spend your first few hours in the country with the local customs officials! It’s also worth bearing in mind the restrictions on liquids – 100ml or less unless it’s medicine with supporting documents.


4. Packing Unnecessary Items带不必要的物品

If you have lots of items with sentimental value that you can’t throw away but can’t afford to take with you, find a cheap storage option instead or leave them with a relative for safe keeping.


5. Being Disorganised on the Day出行当天时间安排不合理

When it comes to the day of your flight make sure you’ve got your head round all the timings.When do you need to be at the airport? Can you check in online in advance and then just baggage drop at the airport? Whatever your estimate, add an extra half hour to allow for possible hold-ups. What you want to avoid is being so late for the plane that you make it but your cases don’t…


All set? Make sure you’ve covered all the points above, then start packing smart – and good luck with your study abroad adventure!





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