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[Day 6]老友记S1-03-2 The One With t

[Day 6]老友记S1-03-2 The One With t

作者: To_QT | 来源:发表于2019-08-18 20:50 被阅读0次

Chandler: Yep, we sure showed those Hassidic jewellers a thing or two about softball..

  • Hassidic adj.<宗>(犹太教)哈西德派的
  • jeweler n.珠宝商
  • a thing or twoabout...:精通
  • not know the first thing about...:一竅不通

Lizzie: Would you like my tin-foil hat?

  • tin n.锡
  • foil n.箔
  • tin-foil hat锡箔帽

Lizzie: Keep the change. (To Phoebe) Sure you don't wanna pretzel?

  • Keep the change:不用找了

cut it out!

  • 熄灭

Chandler: So I have a flaw! Big deal! Like Joey's constant knuckle-cracking isn't annoying? And Ross, with his over-pronouncing every single word? And Monica, with that snort when she laughs? I mean, what the hell is that thing? ...I accept all those flaws, why can't you accept me for this?

  • flaw n.缺点
  • Big deal有什么了不起!
  • knuckle n.指节 关节
  • knuckle-cracking n.扳指关节
  • overpronounce v.过分强调发音
  • snort n.v.喷鼻息

Ross: Oh, now, don't listen to him, Pheebs, I think it's endearing.

  • endearing adj.可爱的 惹人喜爱的[eg:She is always wearing an endearing smile]

Rachel: Ohh-ho-hooohhh. The hair comes out, and the gloves come on.

Monica: Okay. Well, I'm going out with a guy my friends all really like.
Paula: Wait wait.. we talking about the coyotes here? All right, a cow got through!

  • get through v.度过 脱险

Monica: I know.. it's gonna be really hard.
Paula: Well, he's a big boy, he'll get over it.

  • get over v.熬过

Chandler: Hey, y'know, I have had it with you guys and your cancer and your emphysema and your heart disease. The bottom line is, smoking is cool, and you know it.

  • have had it v.受够了 忍无可忍了
  • emphysema n.肺气肿
  • the bottom line is 最重要的是

Phoebe: Wait, wait, I'm getting a deja vu...no, I'm not.

  • deja vu n.似曾相识的感觉 幻觉记忆

Phoebe: You know.. you let your guard down, you start to really care about someone, and I just- I- (starts chewing her hair)

  • let your guard down:放下防备


1. 两不相欠

Phoebe: Okay, alright, you buy me a soda, and then we're even. Okay?


1. 全能王

Bugs Bunny is an animated rabbit who appears in the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of animated films produced by Warner Bros., one of which, 1958's Knighty Knight Bugs, won an Academy Award, hence his standard introduction on his 1960-launched television series, "...that Oscar-winning rabbit...."

According to his biography, he was "born" in 1940 in Brooklyn, New York City, New York and the product of many creators: Ben "Bugs" Hardaway (who created a prototypical version of Bugs Bunny that appeared in 1938's Porky's Hare Hunt, 1939's Prest-O Change-O, 1939's Hare-um Scare-um, 1940's Elmer's Candid Camera and 1941's Elmer's Pet Rabbit, although billed in the last as Bugs Bunny--the first time that name was used on-screen) Bob Clampett, Tex Avery, Robert McKimson (created the definitive Bugs Bunny character design), Chuck Jones, and Friz Freleng. According to Mel Blanc, his original voice actor, his accent is an equal blend of the Bronx and Brooklyn dialects.

2. 字母形花片汤

alphabet soup n.字母形花片汤

  • alphabet soup:母汤是一种罐头汤,里面是切成ABC字母图案的细面条,让小朋友边喝汤边把里面的字母排成单词来玩。而美国儿音背诵元音的口诀是:A, E, I, O, U, sometimes Y 字母Y是半元音,有时候会当辅音使用,所以Phoebe觉得它不全然算元音,就保留在汤里了,并特意还强调 sometimes Y这个口诀。


Phoebe: I know! I know, I opened it up and there it was, just floating in there, like this tiny little hitch-hiker!

  • hitch-hiker: hitch-hiker n.搭便车的旅行者
  • hitch-hiker是搭顺风车的人。这里Phoebs是说这个罐里飘着的大拇指就像hitch-hiker的那根大拇指。你知道,他们的标致性动作就是在招手要车时竖起thumb。


Joey: ...Does the knuckle-cracking bother everybody?
Rachel: Well, I could live without it.

  • live without it



    本文标题:[Day 6]老友记S1-03-2 The One With t
