

作者: 大汪小喵 | 来源:发表于2021-10-14 16:26 被阅读0次

新闻原文链接:(摘自China Daily)


新闻原句: As China and the United States have started to improve bilateral economic and trade relationship, the top two economies should conduct more trade consultations with a more rational and candid approach.The two sides should work together to normalize their trade and economic ties, which is critical not only for their own economic development, but also for the world economic recovery.

翻译:   随着中美两国经贸关系开始改善,两大经济体应以更理性、更坦诚的方式进行更多的贸易磋商。双方应共同努力,实现经贸关系正常化,这不仅对两国经济发展,而且对世界经济复苏都至关重要。


1. bilateral a. 双边的


bilateral trade 双边贸易

bilateral agreement 双边协定

bilateral relation 双边关系

例句: If the pandemic cannot damage China-CELAC relations, no challenge will reverse the bilateral relations in the future.

翻译: 如果疫情都不能破坏中-拉共体关系,未来任何挑战都不会逆转中-拉共体双边关系。

生词: pandemic n.流行病;reverse v.反转。

说说: “bi-”前缀表示“两个”。

2. conduct v.组织,实施

英文翻译: The conduct of a task or activity is the way in which it is organized and carried out. 

例句: ** said China, even with its rich coal resources, still hopes to conduct diversified energy cooperation.

翻译: **说,中国即使拥有丰富的煤炭资源,仍然希望进行多元化的能源合作。

生词: diversified 多样化的。

说说: 很好用的一个词,“做什么事情”或者“组织什么事情”的时候都可以用。

3. trade consultation 贸易协商

4. rational and candid approach 更理性、更坦诚的方式

5. normalize v.使正常化

英文翻译: When you normalize a situation or when it normalizes, it becomes normal.

6. critical a.重要的

例句: They are the most critical areas in protective shields for ecological security.

翻译: 它们是保护生态安全的最关键的区域。

生词: ecological security 生态安全。

说说: 表达"重要"的词有很多,例如“important”、“major”、“sigfinicant”。



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    新闻原文链接:(摘自China Daily) http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202...

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