《Hello, great big bullfrog 》
Written and illustrated by Colin west
小小的牛蛙认为自己很大,就像小朋友心中的“我”是“无形大”的想象。自从它遇上比它大的rat、 warthog、tiger、bear,它们一个比一个大,小牛蛙
一路仰望着看着它们一个一个的喊着“I’M a great big …”心情越来越失落。到最后它再也没有心情说“Hello,I’m a great big bullfrog”,也没有心情和比它都great
的rat、 warthog、tiger、bear一起HULLABALOO!因为有种说法叫“没有比较久没有伤害”哈哈哈哈,bullfrog很失落,突然觉得自己很渺小,“Goodbye,everybody!”
逃也似的准备离开,But suddenly…“Hello, great big bullfrog! Guess who Iam!”“I’m a great big bumble bee,”一只不知“天高地厚”的小蜜蜂一边和great bullfrog打招呼,一边自称为great big bumble bee!小牛蛙顿时又感觉到了自己的great and big!开心的蹦跳起来!

“Hello,I’m a great big bull frog,”said the great big bullfrog.

“hello,great big bullfrog!Guess who I am”

“I’m a great big rat,”said the great big rat to the great big bullfrog.
“Hello,great big rat!,Guess who I am!”
“I’m a great big warthog,” said the great big warthog to the great big rat and the great big bullfrog.

“Hello,great big warthog! Guess who I am!”
“I’m a great big tiger,”said the great big tiger to the great big wathog and the great big rat and the great big bullfrog.

“Hello,great big tiger!Guess who I am!”
“I’m a great big bear,”said the great big bear to the great big tiger and the great big warthog and the great big rat and the great big bullfrog.

“let’s have a great big HULLABALOO!”

But the great big bullfrog didn’t want a great big hullabaloo.
He didn’t feel so great and big any more. He felt a tiddly little bullfrog.
“Goodbye,everybody!”said the not so great big bullfrog.,

But suddenly…
“Hello, great big bullfrog! Guess who Iam!”

“I’m a great big bumble bee,”said the great big bumble bee.
“And I’m a great big bullfrog!”
Said the great big bullfrog.
“A great great great big bullfrog!”

Colin weat knows that reading”Hello,Great Big Bullfrog!” aloud can be great fun.He says,”The bullfrog could have a croaky vice, the rat a squeaky one and the bear a deep one,for instance.By the way , did you notice how the front endpapers are different from those at the back of the book?”
When the great big bullfrog meets lots of greater,bigger animals,he doesn’t feel so great and big any more.can’t keep a great big bullfrog down for long.