

作者: vinka | 来源:发表于2017-04-17 20:36 被阅读15次

    精读班第三篇:The myth of cyber-security

    Day 1:words and expressions

    1.a contradiction in terms自相矛盾的术语

    2.takeover n.收购;接管

    takeover and merger 接管与兼并

    a hostile takeover敌对接管

    3.derail v.使。。脱轨—>破坏

    The agricultural deadlock could really derail the whole project.这一农产品僵局可能真的要破坏整个项目。

    Border conflicts could derail so much of the progress使进展脱离轨道that we hope to achieve here.

    4.extortion n.勒索;抢夺

    They were aggrieved by oppression and extortion.他们遭受压迫与榨取的痛苦。

    Extortion market勒索市场

    5.the Internet of Things 物联网



    8.wizardry n.杰出的成就;非凡的才能

    technical wizardry高新科学技术

    religion and wizardry宗教与巫术

    9.paranoia n.妄想症;偏执狂

    10.of all stripes各行各业

    e.g. companies of all stripes

    11.bug bounty program漏洞奖励计划:广招包括骇客在内的资案高手帮忙抓漏

    def:whereby firms reward ethical hackers for discovering flaws so thatthey can be fixed before they are taken advantage of

    12.afterthought n.事后想法

    The last part of the report had just been grafted on as an afterthought.这份报告的最后部分像是事后想起加上去的。

    13.counsel n.建议;法律顾问

    a counsel of despair 知难而退的建议

    a counsel of perfection 听上去完美却难以实行的建议

    keep your own counsel 不暴露自己的意图

    14.straitened a.贫穷的

    It is straitened in time.时间太紧迫了。

    Is raising cash in straitened times a sign of weakness?在市场资金紧缺时期筹资是疲弱的迹象吗?

    15.gizmo n.小玩意儿;小装置

    an exceptionally compact gizmo特别精简的小发明

    16.botnet n.僵尸网络(指受恶意软件控制的计算机群)

    botnet spam垃圾邮件

    17.malware n.恶意软件(电脑病毒等)

    18.moot n.讨论、a.无考虑意义的、v.提出供讨论

    a moot point/question悬而未决的事情;有争议的问题

    19.excoriate v.擦伤;严厉指责;痛斥


    20.recourse n.求助;追索权

    legal recourse法律追索权

    21.carve out开辟;分割

    carve out a niche争取一席之地

    carve out a precarious life开拓了一种不稳定的生活



