- 诀窍 I 书信类英语作文首句 I 欧阳:中小学英语培训实战日记(
- 诀窍 | 高分英语作文首句 | 欧阳:中小学英语培训实战日记(连
- 策略 I 作文绝对提分(一)I 欧阳:中小学英语培训实战日记(连
- 策略 I 作文绝对提分(二)I 欧阳:中小学英语培训实战日记(连
- 理解 I 输入与输出 I 欧阳:中小学英语培训实战日记(连载2)
- 点津 I Have+复合结构 I 欧阳:中小学英语培训实战日记
- 骄傲 I Cami 老师的成长 I 欧阳:中小学英语培训实战日
- 兴趣 I 思维导图的魅力 I 欧阳:中小学英语培训实战日记(连载
- 提醒 I 英语测考中语法陷阱(系列1)I 欧阳: 中小学英语培训
- 点津 I 爱凑热闹的小“介词” I 欧阳:中小学英语培训实战日记
星期五 晴朗
I’m writing to ...
I‘m so glad that you....
Sample 1
Dear Ms Jenkins,
I'm Li Hua from your English writing class last term. I'm writing to ask for your help.
Sample 2
Dear David,
I’m writing to invite you to the lecture on Chinese calligraphy
which is the art of writing Chinese characters and especially
refers to the rules of writing with a brush.
Sample 3
I’m so glad to receive your last letter.I can’t thank you enough for your advice and helpin my English study,
Dear Editor,
As a student reader, I am writing to talk about the English textbooks published by your house.
Sample 4
Thank youfor your letter asking about our discussion on low-carbonlifestyle.
Sample 1
Here,I‘m writing to thank you ...
to thank you不定式短语表示感谢--感谢信
Sample 2
Dear Frank:
I am writing to apologize that I have lost the valuable book you were so kind to lend me last week.
to apologizethat...一封道歉信:.
Sample 3
I'm writing to apply for the job which you ....
to apply for the job申请一份工作---申请信