

作者: SpitFireJo | 来源:发表于2019-06-18 23:43 被阅读4次

Poverty may be the crib for criminal activities but poverty itself can merely be the tip of an iceberg. In fact, it’s the lack of a way out that drives the trapped to step into the grey zone and commit what is law forbidden. Inevitably, one would argue that one should always know to check themselves before advancing towards the edge of a cliff. That it is the easy  “to go along or to withdraw” question. However, the thing is, from their viewpoint, there’s no boundary line to be seen for that their survival has risen above and conceal all other conflicts. For them, all that’s left is desperation and it doesn’t matter whether they are cruelly cornered by life or ignorant of the methods to relieve themselves from the seemingly helpless but is salvageable situation. Hope, however slim it may be,  is the cure against the destruction of the final straw. And in most cases, hope is love or a simple way out.



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