Types of school学校类型:
1.Public school :A school that gets money from and is controlled by alocal government
2.Private school :A school that does not get money from the government and that is run by a group of private individuals
3.Separate school :A school receiving students from a particular religious group
4.Catholic school :A parochial school maintained by the Catholic Church
5.Preschool :Relating to the time in a child's life when the child is old enough to talk and walk but is not ready to go to school
6.Elementary school :A school that provides the first part of a child's education, usually for children between five and eleven years old
小学:提供儿童第一部分教育的学校,通常招收 5 至 11 岁的儿童
7.Middle school :A school for children that usually includes grades 5-8 or 6-9
中学:一所儿童学校,通常包括 5-8 年级或 6-9 年级
8.High school :A school especially in the United States usually including grades 9–12 or 10–12
高中:特别是在美国的一所学校,通常包括 9-12 或 10-12 年级
9.Adult school :School for adult
10.Vocational school :A school where students learn skills that involve working with their hands
11.College :Any place for specialized education after the age of 16 where people study or train to get knowledge and/or skills
12.University :A place where people study for an undergraduate or postgraduate) degree
1.Lesson :A single class or part of a course of instruction
2.Term :One of the periods into which a year is divided at school, college, or university
3.Break :A time away from work or your regular activity, or a holiday
4.History :The study of past events
5.Science :Knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation
6.Math :The science of numbers, quantities, and shapes and the relations between them
7.Geography :An area of study that deals with the location of countries, cities, rivers, mountains, lakes, etc.
8.Physical education :Sports and exercise taught in schools
9.Arts :Areas of study (such as history, language, and literature) that are intended to develop the mind in a general way
10.French :The language of the French people; second official language in Canada
法语:法国人的语言; 加拿大的第二官方语言
11.English :The chief language of Great Britain, the U.S., and many areas now or formerly under British control; Canada’s official language
英语:英国、美国和现在或以前在英国控制下的许多地区的主要语言; 加拿大的官方语言
accent 口音,重音 answer 回答;答复 composition 作文,作曲 conversation 对话 dialogue 对话 difficulty 困难,难处 discussion 讨论 exam = examination 考试 example 例子 fact 事实 , 事件 form 表,表格; grade 分数;成绩; grammar 语法 handwriting 字迹 homework 家庭作业 knowledge 知识,学问 language 语言 letter 字母 meaning 意思;含义;意图 method 方法,办法 mistake 错误 note 笔记;便笺 point 要点 practice 实践;练习 progress 进步;进展;发展;前进 pronunciation (单词或语言的)发音 point 要点 question 问题 reply 回复;答复research 研究;探讨 review 回顾;温习;复习 rule 规则 score 得分 search 搜寻;搜查;探索 sentence 句子 speech 演讲 summary 摘要,概要 term 学期 test 测验 title 标题,题目 topic 题目,话题 underline 下划线 unit 单元 word 词,单词;话