2018-10-25 The Giver Chapter1

2018-10-25 The Giver Chapter1

作者: 泥巴叔叔 | 来源:发表于2018-10-25 21:14 被阅读4次

It's a book written for young kids like around 10 years old. After having read the first chapter, however, I found it interesting at some settings like there are certain "rules" in the world the author created, which also enlightened me a lot. 

For instance, there's a rule "A family can only have one boy and one girl" when the girl Lily said the other kid could be one of her family, and her mother reminded her the rule she knew. It occurred to me that a topic had been discussed in Qipashuo, "Men should always apologize first" vs. "The one who has fault should apologize first". If men should always apologize first becomes a rule, that may contribute to good relations among people, but that would become one of the strange rules as well. To be honest, I dare not live in a world which is defined by so many strange rules. That's terrible. 


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