
近期的一些研究表明,膝关节伸展和踝关节跖屈肌肉痉挛与肌肉力量是呈负相关的,研究证实了肌力强化训练对脑卒中患者运动功能恢复的积极作用。【 Abdollahi I, Taghizadeh A, Shakeri H, et al. The relationship between isokinetic muscle strength and spasticity in the lowerlimbs of stroke patients[J]. J Bodyw Mov Ther, 2015,19(2):284 290. DOI: 10. 1016/j. jbmt, 2014. 07.002.】
Morris 等通过给予脑卒中患者高强度渐进式抗阻训练,证明能够明显提高患者患侧和健侧的下肢髋膝力量、 提高运动功能。【 Morris SL, Dodd KJ, Morris ME. Outcomes of progressive resistancestrength training following stroke: a systematic review[J]. Clin Rehabil, 2004,18(1): 27-39. DOI: 10. 1191/0269215504cr699oa.】
YOU等 和Yamaguchi等证明了早期功能电刺激提高卒中患者上肢功能、ADL 和步行速度,从而提高患者的运动功能。【 You G, Liang H, Yan T. Functional electrical stimulation early after stroke improves lower limb motor function and ability inactivities of daily living [J],NeuroRehabilitation, 2014, 35(3):381 389, DOI: 10. 3233/NRE-141129】【 Yamaguchi T, Tanabe s, Muraoka Y, et al. Immediate effects of electrical stimulation combined with passive locomotion -ikemovement on gait velocity and spasticity in personswithhemiparetic stroke: a randonized controlled study[ J]. ClinRehabil, 2012, 26 ( 7 ): 619-628 DOI: 10.1177/026921551 1426803】。
(1) 脑卒中早期应重视瘫痪肌肉的肌力训练,针对相应的肌肉进行渐进式抗阻训练、交互性屈伸肌肉肌力强化训练可以改善脑卒中瘫痪肢体的功能(Ⅰ级推荐,A级证据)。
