

作者: Joy高斋翻译 | 来源:发表于2018-11-06 17:49 被阅读37次




    不说了,直接上开头的对照版,大家认真看看,就明白语言的精妙,我们汉语喜欢往大说,英语没有汉语这么宏大,喜欢往小说,比如译者为了让读者把目光聚焦到树底下的人们,而把“村前村后的野草”缩小范围,翻译为The grasses are turning yellow beneath the trees(树底下的野草);不过“数十株乌相树”为什么翻译为Ten cypresses,有点不解。

    还有位移的翻译思维运用得很好,比如”一个瘦削的老者说话”里面的“瘦削”和“老”没有直接翻译为a pinched, old storyteller,而是翻译为“a travelling storyteller”,把 pinched, old在后面体现了出来,“a travelling storyteller”更能体现出到处游走的说书人,而且后面要用到“a pinched figure”,所以把pinched放在了后面。






    THE QIANTANG RIVER STRETCHES FROM THE WEST, WHERE ITS waters swell day and night, past the new imperial capital of Lin'an and the nearby Ox Village, on to the sea in the east. Ten cypresses stand proudly along its banks, their leaves red like fire. A typical August day. The grasses are turning yellow beneath the trees and the setting sun is breaking through their branches, casting long, bleak shadows. Under the shelter of two giant pine trees, men, women and children have gathered to listen to a travelling storyteller.


    The man is around fifty, a pinched figure in robes once black, now faded a blue-grey. He begins by slapping two pieces of pear wood together and then, using a bamboo stick, he beats a steady rhythm on a small leather drum. He sings:


    “Untended, the peach blossoms still open,

    As fallow fields of tobacco draw the crows.

    In times past, by the village well,

    Families once gathered to vent their sorrows.”


    The old man strikes the pieces of wood together a few more times and starts his story.

    “This poem tells of villages, where ordinary people once lived, razed by Jurchen tribes and turned to rubble. One such story concerns Old Man Ye, who had a wife, a son and a daughter, but they were separated from one another by the invasion of the Jin. Years Passed before they were reunited and could return to their village. After making the perilous journey back to Weizhou, they arrived to discover their home had been burned to the ground by enemy forces, and they had no choice but to make for the old capital at Kaifeng.”

    He sings:

    “The heavens unleash unexpected storms, people suffer unforeseen misfortune.

    “Upon arrival,”he continues, "they encountered a troop of jin soldiers. Their commanding officer spotted the young Miss Ye, by now a beautiful young maiden, and eager to capture such a glorious prize, he Jumped down from his horse and seized her. Laughing,he threw her onto his saddle and cried ‘Pretty girl, you are coming home with me.’ What could the young Miss Ye do? She struggled with all her might to free herself from the officer's grip. ‘If you continue to resist I will have your family killed!’ the man shouted.With that, he picked up his wolf-fang club and smashed it down on her brother's head.

    “The nether world gains a ghost, just as the mortal world loses one more soul. “He breaks again into song.


    “Old Man Ye and his wife threw themselves on top of their son’s body, weeping and sobbing. The commanding officer raised his wolf-fang club and once again brought it down on the mother, and then once more on the father. Rather than cry or plead, the your Miss Ye turned to the soldier and said, ‘Sir, rest your weapon, I will go with you.’ The soldier was delighted to have persuaded her, but just as he let down his guard the young Miss Ye grabbed the sabre from his waist, unsheathed it and held the point of the blade to his chest. Was she about to avenge her family's death?

    “Alas, it was not to be. Being experienced on the battlefieId, the soldier knew that if he took a deep breath, tensed his muscles and Pushed against the blade, she would tumble to the ground. Then he spat in her face.‘Whore!’

    “But young Miss Ye brought the blade to her neck. That poor, innocent girl.


    “A beauty made of flower and moon,

    And so was taken the sweetest soul that night.”

    He alternates between singing and speaking,all the while beating his small drum with the bamboo stick. The crowd is entranced by the old man s words; they snarl with rage at the soldiers crueIty, and sigh at the young girl's sacrifice.


    "Of course, they need everything to be explained down to the last detail," the boy sighed. "Petal-dressed quail, fried duck's feet, chicken-tongue soup, drunken deer tripe, pan-fried beef done two ways, rabbit slivers in chrysanthemum, flame-cooked venison and … pig's trotter in ginger vinegar. We'll take these simple dishes, I don't anticipate you have anything more refined."





    Other Tales of the Flying Fox 飞狐外传

    Flying Fox of Snowy Mountain 雪山飞狐

    A Deadly Secret 连城诀

    Semi-Gods and Semi-Devils 天龙八部

    The Legend of the Condor Heroes 射雕英雄传

    Swordswoman Riding West on White Horse 白马啸西风

    The Deer and the Cauldron 鹿鼎记

    The Smiling, Proud Wanderer 笑傲江湖

    The Book and the Sword 书剑恩仇录

    The Return of the Condor Heroes 神雕侠侣

    Ode to Gallantry 侠客行

    Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre 倚天屠龙记

    Sword Stained with Royal Blood 碧血剑

    Blade-dance of the Two Lovers 鸳鸯刀


    武术 Martial Arts

    太极拳 Tai Chi Chuan

    刀 broadsword

    钩 hook

    飞功 chikung

    剑 rapier

    棍 cudgel

    散打 free combat

    匕首 dagger

    盾 shield

    双剑 double

    拳法 fist position

    叉 fork

    猿形 ape form

    如封似闭 apparent close

    器械对练 armed combat

    与眼平 at eye level

    与鼻平 at nose level

    上步盖掌 backhand stroke in bow step

    仰身跌 backward falling

    倒毛跟斗 backward somersault

    平衡 balance

    提膝平衡balance with one knee raised

    平衡练习balancing exercise

    摸胸反击法against one who grabs your breast

    二十四式太极拳 Twenty-four Style Taijiquan


    起势Starting Posture



    Part the Wild Horse's Mane on Both Side

    第三式 白鹤亮翅

    White Crane Spreads its Wings,

    第四式 左右搂膝拗步

    Brush Knee and Twist Step on Both Side ,

    第五式 手挥琵琶

    Hold the Lute

    第六式 倒卷肱

    Forearm Rollings on Both Sides

    第七式 左揽雀尾

    Grasp the Bird's Tail-Left Side

    第八式 右揽雀尾

    Grasp the Bird's Tail-Right Side

    第九式 单鞭

    Single Whip ,

    第十式 云手

    Cloud Hands

    第十一式 单鞭

    Single Whip

    第十二式 高探马

    High Pat on Horse

    第十三式 右蹬脚

    Kick with Right Heel ,

    第十四式 双峰贯耳 Twin Peaks

    第十五式 转身左蹬脚

    Turn and Kick with Left Heel,

    第十六式 左下独立式

    Push Down and Stand on One Leg-Left Style

    第十七式 右下独立式

    Push Down and Stand on one Leg-Right Style

    第十八式 左右穿梭

    Work at Shuttles on Both Side

    第十九式 海底针

    Needle at Sea Bottom

    第二十式 闪通臂

    Flash the Arms

    第二十一式 转身搬拦捶

    Turning body, Pulling, Blocking and Pounding


    如封似闭Apparent Close up


    一、手型 Hand Forms

    拳 fist

    掌 palm

    勾 hook hand

    二、手法 Hand techniques

    冲拳 punch

    劈拳 straight-arm chop

    砸拳 hammer strike

    穿掌 piercing palm

    架掌 palm block

    亮掌 palm turning

    插掌 thrust palm

    劈掌 vertical palm

    推掌 push palm

    抡臂 arm swing

    勾手 hook grasp

    缠手 twist grasp

    搂手 elbow butt

    三、步型 Stance

    马步 horse-riding stance

    弓步 bow stance

    虚步 empty stance

    仆步 crouch stance

    并步 feet-together stance

    歇步 cross-legged sitting stance

    四、步法 Foot work

    进步 forward step

    撤步 backward step

    上步 advance

    退步 retreat

    插步 back cross-step

    盖步 front cross-step

    震脚 stamp

    垫步 skipping step

    五、腿法 Leg techniques

    正踢腿 front kick

    侧踢腿 side kick

    里合腿 swing leg inward

    外摆腿 swing leg outward

    前扫腿 sweep leg forward

    后扫腿 sweep leg backward

    弹 腿 snap kick

    横 叉 front split

    竖 叉 center split




