This was a really sad week because Mana left Seattle and Mrs. Adam’s oldest daughter broke up with her boyfriend. They have been dating for 3 years and apparently she loves the boy more. Everybody in the family is really sad and my host almost cried because she thought he is a really good Christian boy.
Monday,we went to Kendall’s (her second daughter) softball game and they beat the other team by 15:2. It was amazing since she is one of the main player also the pitcher for the team. We tried to catch up every single minute and second to play with Mana because we don’t have much time left and this might be the last home baseball game with Mana for the rest of our lives!!! Mrs. Adams gave her presents that day, because she is a Christian an she gave her UNO, PhaseTen, Holy Bible, Jelly Beans, Sour Punch and a card with all of our handwriting to her because we love her and we will miss her.
However, Tuesday is a beautiful day because I was cooking Chinese food for the family.Green Beans, fried rice and soy sauced pork . It’s hard for me because I never actually cooked on my own and but I made it!!! We bought the material from the Chinesemarket and I wash all of the veggies and the pork to make it clean. And then you pour the dark soli sauce on it!! It tastes better when you make yourself FOOD. I am just a food lover. Anyways after they had my food the littleboy said it’s the best food he ever had. I was really happy to hear that and I am looking forward to cook more!! Time flies by, it was time to say good bye toMana. She is such a sweet girl and super nice and super good at softball. We will miss her so much and I pray that she can come to Seattle again!!Farewell!! She was crying so hard when we were leaving because it might be the last time too sees her ever again!! Lots of Mana’s friend went to hug her to say goodbye. Everyone was really sad when they were leaving and just hope that everything in Japan goes well and that she doesn’t get sad. She got to reunited with her family again!! Happy for her. This week was fun but two major bummers happened!! Have fun in Japan M!!