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作者: 七爷赛高 | 来源:发表于2020-03-10 10:48 被阅读0次

    Test1 Part4

    -I just realized that the collins report is due this Friday morning! but i haven't started yet and I've got many other things to take care of. in addition to that, I have meetings scheduled all day today and tomorrow. what am I supposed to do 

    -why don't you explain your situation to the supervisor? maybe he can grant you an extension to Monday

    i'll pick you up at your office and then we can head to dinner

    attend a seminar for executive 公司董事,负责人

    incidence 发生率     in the ~

    this may same like a minor matter 细小问题

    raise suggestion 提出意见

    our security manager will be conducting 施行 the interviews and will contact you later in the day to schedule an interview

    your presentation 发表 has been a hot topic in our office

    we will cover any expenses you may incur and offer conpetitive payment

    We have specially raised the Commission to4% so as to enable you to cover the advertising expenses you may incur in sales promotion

    Food on the run 方便快餐       Instant noodle 方便面      Convenience Store 便利店      Box lunch 盒饭

    we have all tastes covered (I got this all covered.我已经把所有都搞定了)

    we serve everything from A to B 

    mouthwatering 让人垂涎欲滴的

    24 hours a day, 7 days a week

    weather bureau 气象局     tax bureau税务局     Federal Bureau of Investigation 联邦调查局     information bureau 情报局 新闻局

    Due  to worsening storm conditions

    distribution center 物流中心

    usual price 平常价格    introductory

    let's make our way inside and see what all the fuss is about

    this is because the building is the only purposely built sculpture gallery in the state


    we regret having to take such strong action, but we see no better wan to deal with this situation  

    we regret having to (没办法)很抱歉这样……

    you have no paid for the last three shipments出货, therefore, we see no alternative供代替的选择 other than suspending中止 our products and services to you    

    we see no alternative other than 我们没有看到除了……以外的选择

    we will be forced to不得不 take you to court to recover the money

    building supplies 建筑材料 



